Chapter 31- First Mission

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With Dumbledore watching her closely, Sabrina had to be a lot more careful around school.
This made her job, to recruit as many Slytherins as possible, a little more challenging.
Voldemort had entrusted her and Regulus to talk to as many Slytherins as possible, and convince them to join the cause.
He was building up his army, and he needed as many followers as possible, before he could launch a full scale attack on the Ministry.
When Sabrina and Regulus returned to Grimmauld Place for the Christmas holidays, they immediately gave their findings to Voldemort. And he was impressed with their work.
So impressed, that he allowed them both to join in during a death eater mission.

Despite having been a death eater for over a year, Sabrina had never been involved in the things that the got up to.
She had never killed anyone, and she was terrified at the thought of having to do it.
Voldemort very rarely accompanied the death eaters on missions. So Sabrina and Regulus's first mission was lead by Bellatrix.
A small group of death eaters had been brought together to track down a member of the Order of the Phoenix named Benjy Fenwick.

Eventually they tracked him to his hiding place, where they ambushed him.
"Hello there little Benjy. All alone?" Asked Bellatrix, even though she knew the answer.
"Bellatrix" spat Benjy, as the death eaters formed a circle around him.
Bellatrix had given up wearing her mask, since everyone already knew that she was a death eater.
But the rest of the group all wore their masks, to protect their identities.
"We just have a few questions to ask you, about the Order of the Phoenix" announced Bellatrix.
"I know nothing about them" replied Benjy quietly.

Benjy's lie didn't convince anyone, and Sabrina didn't even need Legillimancy to tell that Benjy was lying about being a member of the Order.
"Crucio!" Yelled Bellatrix.
Sabrina tried not to look away as Benjy dropped to the floor and began screaming in pain.
She knew that Voldemort was expecting high things from her, so she couldn't afford to look weak, as she knew Bellatrix would tell Voldemort everything that happened on the mission.
"Tell us what you know" shouted Sabrina, once Bellatrix had removed the curse from Benjy.
"You will get nothing from me" mumbled Benjy.

"Oh don't be like that. We don't want this to get nasty" smiled Bellatrix, who looked scarily happy at being able to torture someone.
"I will not help you" snapped Benjy as he jumped to his feet, and removed his wand from his pocket.
Sabrina reacted quickly and pulled out her own wand, pointing it at Benjy, along with the rest of the death eaters.
She saw Regulus inch towards her, so that he could protect her if a fight broke out.

Bellatrix laughed, "Do you really think you stand a chance against us? There are six of us, and only one of you".
"Stupefy!" Shouted Benjy, firing a spell at Bellatrix, who blocked it easily without much effort.
"So, that's how you want to play it" grinned Bellatrix.
She raised her wand and a sent a red spell bursting out of it, which hit Benjy in the chest, causing him to explode.
Blood and pieces of Benjy's body were thrown around the room, like confetti.
Sabrina recoiled in horror, as dark red blood stained her cloak and mask.

Bellatrix smiled at the destruction around them, "Looks like we are done here. Don't bother clearing up. Let them see exactly what happens, when they move against the dark lord".
"Someone needs to tell the dark lord what happened here" replied a death eater on Sabrina's left.
"I will do that. You all should go home. I will see you at the meeting tomorrow" announced Bellatrix.
After taking one last look around the room, the death eaters all disapparated.

The second Sabrina arrived at Grimmauld place, she threw her mask on the floor and headed towards the bathroom.
She immediately began trying to wash the blood off her hands, hoping it would help remove the terrible image of what had just happened, from her mind.
"Are you alright?" Asked Regulus, as he entered the room.
Sabrina looked down at her robes that were drenched in blood, and dropped down beside the toilet, which she then threw up into.

Regulus joined her on the floor and wrapped his arms around her, once she had stopping being sick.
"It's going to be O.K" whispered Regulus.
"How can you say that? Your cousin just made a man explode, right in front of our eyes. I don't even know what kind of spell would do something like that. The killing curse is one thing. But what she did was something completely different" admitted Sabrina.
"My cousin is aware of dark magic, known by only a few people" replied Regulus.
"And she seemed to be enjoying herself, as if torturing that poor man brought her happiness".

"Bellatrix has always been twisted, but you're right, she seems to be losing her sanity" Regulus said quietly.
"What if the dark lord expects us to become like her?" Asked Sabrina nervously.
"He doesn't. I don't think he expects anyone to be like Bellatrix, since she is in a class of her own. No one is quite as deranged as her"
"Maybe not, but it won't be long before he expects us to use the Unforgivable Curses on our enemies. And I'm not sure that I can"
"We are still only 17, so I don't think he will be expecting big things from us, just yet".

"But we can't stay young forever. What happens when he orders us to act like the rest of his followers?" Questioned Sabrina.
Regulus sighed and looked down at their bloody robes.
"I don't know" he whispered.
"I guess we will just have to adapt. If we don't, he will kill us. We know too much now, so he will never let us go" replied Sabrina.
"I don't want you to change" insisted Regulus.
"And I don't want to become a killer. But neither of us have a choice anymore. We have to do what we're told, or we will die".

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