Chapter 11- Blood Secret

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Sabrina spent the rest of her Christmas holidays alternating between her house and 12 Grimmauld Place.
Although she didn't like Regulus's parents that much because of their elitist views, she preferred them to her own parents, so opted to spend more of her time there.
But she wasn't truely happy again until she was back at Hogwarts.
After a few days at school though, a thought hit her, that scared her to the core.
Even though Sirius didn't return home for Christmas or Easter, he would be returning during the summer break, since he couldn't stay at Hogwarts during the summer.
He knew that Sabrina's last name was not Prince. And if he told his parents, Sabrina knew that her and Regulus would be done for.

During her lunch break, Sabrina approached the Gryffindor table and reluctantly made her way over to Sirius.
"Can I help you?" Questioned Sirius.
Sabrina kept her cool and focused on Sirius, trying not to let herself get intimidated by his friends, and the other Gryffindor's who were staring at her.
"Yes. I need to talk to you" she announced.
"About what?" Asked Sirius.
Sirius sighed and got up from the table, "Fine. But don't take too long. I haven't got all day".

Sabrina led Sirius into an empty classroom, so that they could talk without being overheard or interrupted.
"So, what is it that you wanted to tell me about my brother?" Quizzed Sirius.
"Well, as you probably know, I went to your house during the Christmas break, and met your parents" admitted Sabrina.
"I did know that. But what that has to do with me, I don't know" replied Sirius.
"Give me a minute. Merlin's beard, you Gryffindor's are so impatient"
"At least we aren't boring".

"Look, I met your family, and they all think that I'm a pure-blood like you. Me and Regulus lied to them and said that my last name is Prince, which is my mothers maiden name. I'm actually a half-blood, but I need you to back up the lie when you go home for summer break, and not let them know that I'm really a Snape" informed Sabrina.
"Why should I cover for you and keep your secret?" Questioned Sirius.
"Because if they find out that I'm only a half-blood they'll be angry at us for lying, and they'll stop me and Regulus from seeing each other"
"So? What's that got to do with me?".

"I know you don't like your family, and that you're extremely selfish. But I also know that deep down you care about Regulus. Do you really want him to be punished by your parents for lying about my blood status?" Questioned Sabrina.
Sirius's face fell, "No, I wouldn't".
"And if your parents forced us to break up, he would also be very unhappy, which I know is not something you want. So please, I'm begging you, don't tell your parents the truth about me"
"You know, they might not hate you if they learn the truth. Not everyone can be a pure-blood. And they're going to find out at some point"
"No they're not, because I have no intention of telling them the truth. And even if they did accept me, I need them to do more than tolerate me. I need them to like me, and believe that I'm good enough for their son".

"I don't know why you're trying so hard to get them to like you. I'm doing everything I can to get out of my family, while you're trying to worm your way in" admitted Sirius.
"I need them to like me, because I love Regulus and I am willing to do whatever it takes to keep him" announced Sabrina.
"Alright, fine, here's the deal, I'll keep your secret, but if you hurt him in anyway, I will tell my parents the truth about you"
"I would never hurt him. But I accept your deal"
"Good. So, can I go now and get back to my life?"
"Yes. You can return to the pathetic thing you call a life".

Sabrina exited the room, feeling like a weight had been lifted from her chest.
With Sirius promising to keep her secret, there was no one who could inform Walburga and Orion about her true identity.
"Were you just talking to my brother?" Frowned Regulus, when Sabrina sat down beside him.
"Yes" answered Sabrina as she began filling up the plate in front of her with food.
"What about?" Questioned Regulus.
"I had to make him promise to lie to your parents about me, since he knows that I'm not really a Prince but a Snape".

"Merlin's beard, I didn't even think about that" admitted Regulus.
"Don't worry, I handled everything" reassured Sabrina.
"How did you convince him to keep your secret, since he doesn't exactly like you or your brother?"
"He doesn't hate me as much as Severus, but you're right, he doesn't like me. However, he does still care about you, so I played on his weakness, and reminded him how badly your parents would punish you if they learned the truth".

"That was a good idea... We probably won't see Sirius very much during the summer, because I expect he will be with Potter most of the time. Since he will want to spend as little time as possible at home" admitted Regulus.
"Well that's good, because it means that we won't have him spoiling our time together" replied Sabrina.
"You've got a point. When he's at home, he just gets into fights with mother and father. And I don't want you to have to see that"
"Believe me, I've seen enough fights in my own home. You're parents aren't as bad as mine"
"I don't think that's true. You've only seen them when they're on their best behaviour. Most of the time they're not the nice".

"You don't know my parents" mumbled Sabrina, who was no longer feeling hungry, as thoughts of her abusive father had entered her mind.
"That's because you refused to let me meet them during Christmas break" reminded Regulus.
"You wouldn't want to meet them, trust me" replied Sabrina.
"I will have to meet them at some point, they're your parents so I will have to introduce myself to them".

"There is no need. The minute I turn 17 I am walking out of that house and never going back. So there is no need for you to meet my parents" announced Sabrina.
"I would still like to, just once" admitted Regulus.
"Fine, maybe you can come over during the summer" muttered Sabrina.
This seemed to please Regulus, but Sabrina had no intention of actually going through with this idea. As she was prepared to do whatever it took, to keep Regulus from entering her home and meeting her parents.

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