Chapter 21- Wedding Drama

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Since Sabrina was an official Black, she had to dine with the family every single night, and attend all functions with them.
Although she didn't hate these pure-blood events, she was looking forward to returning to Hogwarts, to get away from all the pure-blood mania.
At the end of the summer, after her birthday, she attended the wedding of Narcissa Black and Lucius Malfoy.
She was allowed to attend at Regulus's plus one, like she had been doing at the rest of the events that summer.

After claiming that her mother had taken all her nice clothes and pieces of jewellery, Walburga loaned Sabrina several items for her to use at special events.
Since Sabrina had actually never owned such nice outfits, she was so happy to wear such magnificent things.
Both Walburga and Orion opened Sabrina into their home with open arms, which she knew they only did because of their belief that she was like them, a proud pure-blood.

At the end of Narcissa's wedding, Regulus pulled Sabrina aside, with a worried look on his face.
"What's wrong?" She asked.
"I'm so sorry. I've put you in terrible danger" he revealed.
"I don't understand" replied Sabrina, as she looked around the room for the threat.
The reception had taken place at the grand Malfoy manor, which was twice the size of Grimmauld Place, and didn't feel half as creepy.
She had been worried that as there were so many guests, she would bump into her roommates, who knew who she really was. But to her luck, she had found them absent from the event.

"I should never have brought you here today" trembled Regulus.
"Why? Just tell me what is wrong" demanded Sabrina.
"My cousin Bellatrix, and her husband Rodolphus Lestrange, are taking us to see him, right after the wedding" explained Regulus.
Sabrina's jaw dropped, "You mean-".
"Yes. The dark lord. As I'm sure it can't have escaped your notice, my cousin is a big fan of his. And since he's in the process of recruiting followers, he wants to meet us" interrupted Regulus.

"But why? We aren't even 17 yet. What good could a pair of Hogwarts students, who can't use magic outside of school, be to him?" Questioned Sabrina.
"I don't know. I guess he thinks it's a good idea to recruit early, because it's easier to manipulate younger people" replied Regulus.
"I thought he might come after us eventually, but not so soon. I certainly never thought that I would meet him before my brother"
"Are you sure that Severus hasn't met him?"
"Positive. Despite our slight estrangement over recent years, that is something he would not keep from me".

"You could get out of it, by going home with mother and father. I could say that you're ill" suggested Regulus.
Sabrina shook her head and placed her hand onto Regulus's arm.
"Whatever we do, we do together" she insisted.
"Are you sure? Lying to my parents is one thing, but lying to him..." Regulus faltered, unable to finish his sentence.
"I'll be fine. I'm good at Occlumency, remember"
"I know. But he supposed to be the most powerful dark wizard ever, which is why people are too scared to even say his name. They think he's even more powerful than Grindelwald".

"Look, I'm just as scared as you are. But we don't have a choice. If our presence has been requested by the dark lord, then we must attend. To fail to do so, could have disastrous consequences" admitted Sabrina.
"You're right, we have to do this" agreed Regulus.
"Do your parents know what we are about to do?" Asked Sabrina.
"I didn't tell them. I just said that we were going to be spending time with Bella. They didn't ask any difficult questions, but I think they could tell by the look on my face what we are about to do"
"Do you know if anyone else is going to be there apart from her and Rodolphus"
"No, Bella didn't say".

"Do you know anyone, who definitely is a death eater?" Questioned Sabrina.
"No one can be sure, since secrecy is his biggest priority. Two death eaters could be sitting in the same room, but neither would know that the other was a death eater. That's why people are so afraid of him, because they don't know who they can trust" answered Regulus.
"I know. He uses fear to his advantage... He is also ruthless, which is why I think it is better to be on his side, than not. As his power grows, it becomes even harder to avoid him. So perhaps getting this initial meeting done with now, will be a good thing. Since putting off the inevitable is pointless".

"But if you had the choice, you wouldn't want to join him, would you?" Asked Regulus.
Sabrina looked around to make sure that no one was listening.
"No, not really. I don't completely agree with all his extreme beliefs. But like I said, if he wants you, he won't rest until he has you. And I would rather be on his side, than dead" admitted Sabrina.
"I guess you have a point. Doing things that you don't like is preferable to being dead" sighed Regulus.
"Yes, it is... So we had better get this uncomfortable meeting over and done with"
"Alright, I'll go and find Bella, and tell her that we are ready to leave. Don't go anywhere without me"
"I won't move an inch".

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