Chapter 50- Dependent

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Sabrina sat with a blanket wrapped around her, on the floor in the bedroom that had once belonged to her and Severus.
She was all alone, as her brother had left to clean up the mess she had made. And he didn't return to the house until later than evening.
"It's done" he announced as he stepped inside the bedroom.
"Tell me everything" encouraged Sabrina.
Severus sighed and made his way across the room, before stopping and resting his back against the wall opposite Sabrina.
"The Ministry are convinced that there is enough evidence to announce that you are dead" revealed Severus, as he looked down at his sister.

"That's good, isn't it?" Questioned Sabrina.
"Yes. I had to plant false memories on the aurors who didn't apparate with you. I made one of them believe that he did go with you, and that he was the one who threw a spell at you, destroying your body. I even took his wand and performed the exact spell in your house, in case they checked his wand to ensure that he was the one who cast the spell that killed you" admitted Severus.
"Thank you for doing all this for me. It can't have been easy"
"No, it wasn't. But our lives have never been easy".

"How much longer do I have to stay here for?" Asked Sabrina, as she looked at the walls around them and shuddered.
She had been physically beaten, verbally abused, and tormented in that house. And she had also been forced to commit murder there, so being back was causing her a lot of pain and stress.
"Well, even though I have secured a house for you, under a false name. I would feel more comfortable if you stayed the night here. Just so that I can keep an eye on you" answered Severus.
"You don't have to worry about me. I'm fine. My wounds aren't even that bad" replied Sabrina.
"It is not your physical wounds that worry me, but your mental health. I'm worried that you will do something rash to end your life".

"I'll be alright once I'm out of here. This place brings back a lot of unhappy memories for me. But I don't want to die anymore, I swear... You know, I'm surprised that you actually want to live here at all, since we both suffered immensely under this roof" admitted Sabrina.
"The place was left to me after our mother died, so it made sense to move in here, and sell my other place. Besides, I only have to live here during the summer holidays, as I am at Hogwarts the rest of the time" replied Severus.
"I guess that's true. Just please tell me that my new house isn't in Spinners End, because I just can't stand this area"
"It's not in Spinners End, but it is in Cokeworth, because I didn't want you living too far away"
"Well I guess since you are paying for the property, I can't really complain".

"Once we are there I will perform the Fidelius Charm on the house, and reveal its secret to you, so that you will be able to see it. Over the next few days I will bring you everything you need to look after yourself" informed Severus.
"I hope you plan on getting me a wand soon, because I can't last without one for much longer. I need to use magic if I'm going to look after myself" reminded Sabrina.
"I will try and get you a wand this week. But if we are very lucky, the Ministry might even release your wand to me, along with the rest of your stuff, very soon"
"That would be good".

"While you're waiting for me to bring you everything you need this week, I want you to stay inside the house. I don't want you to leave it" announced Severus.
"You don't want me to ever go outside?" Frowned Sabrina.
"No. You going outside is what caused this mess" reminded Severus.
"Not exactly, it was me going to Diagon Alley that got me recognised and landed me in trouble. I was fine going out in my Muggle town before that"
"Well I don't want you taking that risk here. I have put a lot on the line to keep you safe. So I don't want to take any chances".

"Fine. I guess I am completely dependent on you from now on" sighed Sabrina.
"Yes, you are. Perhaps things will be different in the far future. But for now, you do as I say. You will send no owls to anyone, except me. You will not let anyone but me into the building. And you will not leave your house under any circumstances, except to go into your garden. Do I make myself clear?" Questioned Severus sternly.
"Yes" mumbled Sabrina.
"I need you to take this seriously, because both of our necks are on the line here"
"Don't worry, I will follow your list of rules, I promise".

Severus nodded, and his face softened slightly, "I know I may seem harsh, but I am only trying to keep you alive and well".
"Yes, I know. But it doesn't exactly make me very happy, to think that the rest of my life is going to be spent indoors, in some stupid Muggle town. Alone with no one but you for all eternity" admitted Sabrina.
Severus crouched down to the floor, and shuffled towards Sabrina.
"It won't be like this forever, I promise" he said quietly.
"You can't promise that Sev, because you have no idea what the future holds. And the dark lord will come back eventually, you know he will"
"Well, we'll just have to be ready for him when he returns".

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