Chapter 25- The Secret

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To Sabrina's surprise, Lily started becoming close to James Potter, who she had previously openly dispised. And by Christmas the two were dating.
A lot of people said that they were a perfect pair, since they were head boy and girl.
But Sabrina knew better, and she knew that Potter was an arrogant, spoiled prick, so she could not understand why Lily had agreed to date him.
However, since she had stopped being Lily's friend, she couldn't go up and ask her what she saw in Potter.

When Christmas arrived, Sabrina was prepared to stay at Hogwarts, as she normally did.
But she received word from Walburga, asking her to return with Regulus for all of the Christmas holidays.
Not wanting to decline her offer, Sabrina accepted.
Severus would be staying at Hogwarts as usual, so the pair would be spending Christmas apart.
But ever since Sabrina had revealed that she was a death eater, Severus had avoided her, because he was angry that she had refused to help him become one too.

The day after arriving at 12 Grimmauld Place, Bellatrix came looking for Sabrina, and Walburga's invitation for Sabrina to spend Christmas with them, became clear.
Lord Voldemort wanted to talk to Sabrina alone, which was something that filled her with dread. And was the reason she had been asked to leave Hogwarts for Christmas.
Bellatrix took her on side along apparation to her childhood home, which was another huge mansion owned by the Blacks.
After waving hello to Bellatrix's parents Cygnus and Druella, Sabrina was escorted into one of the smaller drawing rooms.

Inside the room stood Voldemort, and Sabrina didn't find it any less unnerving to see him without death eaters at his side.
Bellatrix pushed her inside the room, before shutting the door, leaving Sabrina and Voldemort alone.
Sabrina lowered her head respectfully, hoping to start the meeting off, on the right foot.
She hadn't been instructed to wear her death eater mask, so she had known that there wouldn't be many other death eaters at the meeting.
But she hadn't expected to be left alone with the dark lord himself.

"My lord" Sabrina said quietly as she raised her head to look at Voldemort, while trying to avoid staring into his red eyes.
"Good day Sabrina" replied Voldemort.
Sabrina could not tell from his tone of voice what mood he was in, since his voice was so emotionless.
"My lord, why am I here alone?" Asked Sabrina curiously.
"I summoned you here today, because I discovered a piece of information out about you, and I thought you had the right to defend yourself" announced Voldemort.
"I don't understand. What have you discovered?" Questioned Sabrina, trying to hide the nervousness that she was now feeling.
Sabrina felt her stomach drop, as there was only one big secret in her life, and she really hoped that Voldemort hadn't uncovered it.

"You told me that your surname was Prince... But that was a lie, wasn't it? Because I know that your real name is Sabrina Snape. And I also know that your father is a Muggle, and that you have a brother named Severus, who has been mentioned to me numerous times as a potential death eater" revealed Voldemort.
Sabrina didn't see the point in lying, when Voldemort already knew the truth.
"It's true my lord. My mothers maiden name was Prince, but she became a Snape when she married my Muggle father. And my brother Severus, does indeed want to become a death eater" replied Sabrina.
"You lied to me. You hid your identity from me, and kept secrets from your master" scolded Voldemort.

Sabrina shook her head, "No my lord. It was not you I wanted to hide from. I came up with that lie years ago, to fool the Black's into thinking I was one of them. The Black's are such blood purists, so I knew they wouldn't accept me if they knew that I was only a half-blood. I love Regulus, and I had to come up with that lie, so that I could fit in. I had no intention of lying to you, my lord. But it was easier to feed you the lie I told everyone else, than reveal the truth".
"Did you think I was as foolish and dumb as everyone else?" Questioned Voldemort.

"Of course not, my lord. I had a hunch that you would figure out the truth eventually. But please don't tell anyone. They only accept me because they think I am one of them. My whole life will be ruined if the Black's learn that I'm only a half-blood. And I don't want my worthless Muggle father to ruin my life any further" admitted Sabrina.
"So, you did not lie about your hatred of Muggles?" Quizzed Voldemort.
"No. I hate Muggles, particularly my father, he is one of the worst. He forbid us to discuss magic in the house, and punished us when we did. I like pretending I'm a pure-blood, because then I don't have to think about my dead beat dad" replied Sabrina.

"It is not a crime to be a half-blood. Lots of witches and wizards fall prey to Muggles. They get tempted with something new and exciting, and before they realise what they've done, they get kicked out of the magical community. Your mother was disowned by her family, wasn't she?" Asked Voldemort.
"Yes. I've never met any of her family. And I've never met any of my father's Muggle relatives either, not that I'd want to" answered Sabrina.
"Your blood status changes nothing, as I have accepted half-bloods into my ranks before. I can't be as picky as I would like, due to the amount of Muggles that have wormed their way into our world and polluted our blood lines. So I still want you in my ranks".

"Thank you, my lord. I am grateful for the opportunity, and pleased that you can see past my useless father, and take me for who I am. But even though you do, that doesn't mean that I want the whole world to know my secret. So I would be extremely grateful if you didn't tell anyone else about my heritage" said Sabrina awkwardly.
"I will only do this, if you swear to me that there aren't any other secrets that you are hiding from me" replied Voldemort.
"I promise that I'm not hiding anything else from you" insisted Sabrina.
"Good... You may go now. Bellatrix will take you home".
Sabrina bowed her head, before making her way out of the room as quickly as possible.

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