Chapter 58- Meet Me On The Battlefield

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Sabrina did not see Harry again for many months, but that didn't mean that she wasn't thinking about him.
Harry and his task consumed Sabrina's every thought. It was the first thing she thought about when she woke up, and the last thing she thought about, before falling asleep.
But since she was stuck at home, she could be of no use to Harry and his Horcrux finding mission.
She had no idea where he was, or what exactly he was up to, until the 1st of May when he broke into Gringotts bank.
And since the break in was so public, Sabrina knew it wouldn't be long before Voldemort realised that Harry was hunting his Horcrux's.

When Sabrina's front door swung open later than night, she instantly knew that something was wrong.
Since she had been so worried about what Harry was up to, she hadn't gone to bed, so she was wide awake when her brother turned up unexpectedly.
"What is it?" Questioned Sabrina, as she made her way over to Severus.
Her fear that something was wrong, overrided the awkwardness she was feeling at being seen by her brother, while wearing her silk pyjamas.

"It's happening. Hogwarts is rebelling. Harry has returned and the school is rallying behind him. I was chased out of the school by Minerva, Filius, and Pomona, who were willing to do anything to protect Harry. I only just got away. I don't know what has happened to Amycus and Alecto, but I have a feeling that they won't be joining in with this fight, as they have likely been dealt with by Minerva" revealed Severus.
Sabrina didn't bother asking Severus why Harry was at Hogwarts, since she expected that he was after another Horcrux.
Hogwarts had felt like a home to her, more than any other building that she had lived in. So she could understand why Voldemort would hide one of his Horcrux's there, as she had a hunch that he felt the same way about Hogwarts as her and Harry did.

"They can't surely think that they will actually win. A bunch of teenagers and teachers, can't beat the dark lord's army. They are outnumbered and outskilled" admitted Sabrina.
"They won't be alone. I expect the Order of the Phoenix are on their way to Hogwarts now. And when the parents of the children at Hogwarts find out what is going on, they will turn up ready to fight" replied Severus.
"But they will still be outnumbered"
"I think they know that the odds aren't in their favour. But that won't stop them from fighting".

"So this is really happening. There is really going to be a battle between good and evil. And it's going to take place at Hogwarts. The future of our world will be decided tonight" announced Sabrina.
"It would appear so. Which is why I came to tell you what is going on, so that you wouldn't be left out, before I go to the dark lord's side" admitted Severus.
"You're going to let me fight?" Asked Sabrina, who couldn't quite believe what she was hearing.
"Yes. If we stand any chance at beating the dark lord, the Order of the Phoenix will need as many people fighting on their side as possible. Of course, deep down I really want you to stay out of this fight. But I know how skilled you are, and it would be a shame to see your talents go to waste" answered Severus.

"Are you going to fight for the dark lord?" Questioned Sabrina, even though she knew the answer.
"I don't have a choice. I must appear to be his loyal servant, until the end, just in case this war doesn't go the way we would like, and I need to continue protecting people after the battle. But hopefully the dark lord will keep me by his side, and out of the fighting, so that I don't have to hurt anyone" replied Severus.
"I can't see him keeping one of his best fighters out of the battle"
"The dark lord won't think that the good side actually has any chance of winning. So I don't think he will be too worried about keeping me by his side".

"I guess I had better go and get ready for a fight then" sighed Sabrina.
"Wait, before you go, there is something that I wanted to say... If this battle doesn't go exactly the way we want it to, promise me that you will look after yourself" begged Severus.
"Now is not the time for last words. We have to think positively, if we want to stand a chance of winning. So, I will meet you back here after the battle, to toast our victory" insisted Sabrina.
"Even if the dark lord is defeated, I'm not going to be able to just walk away from this. I am a death eater remember".

"So am I... How about the two of us disappear after this is over. There is a whole world out there, that we have never seen. Maybe it's time we explored more of this beautiful planet" suggested Sabrina.
"You really think that we could disappear, just like that?" Asked Severus.
"Why not? I've done it several times before. But this time I will have you by my side, so it will be even easier. We were the brightest students in our years at school, so if anyone can pull this off, it's us" informed Sabrina.

"Alright then. I will see you back here after the battle, no matter the outcome" announced Severus.
"And I will be here waiting for you" replied Sabrina.
Sabrina stepped forward and placed her arms around Severus, and to her surprise, he actually hugged her back.
"Stay safe" whispered Sabrina.
"You too" replied Severus, as the pair pulled apart.
"Go on then, get going. The dark lord will be waiting for you. I'll meet you on the battlefield"
"If hope is on our side, we won't have to cross paths during the battle"
"I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed".

Once Severus had disapparated, leaving Sabrina alone, she immediately headed upstairs to her bedroom.
She then pulled out a locked chest from under her bed, that she hadn't opened in years.
After taking a deep breath she then pointed her wand at the padlock.
"Alohomora" she mumbled, causing the chest to swing open.
Sabrina lent forward and looked inside the chest, pulling out a long black cloak and mask that she hadn't worn since turning her back on Voldemort.

She did not want to wear the death eater outfit again. But she knew that if she wanted to live, she would have to pretend to be on the side that was using lethal spells. Past experience had taught her, that she was safer when she was on Voldemort's side.
Wearing a mask would also keep her identity hidden, and would allow her to attack the other death eaters, when they least expected it.

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