Chapter 35- The Final Test

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Despite her skill in combat, word got back to Voldemort that Sabrina was only using non lethal spells.
In order to correct this, he decided to take her on a very special mission.
Sabrina had no idea where she was headed when she felt her dark mark burn.
She simply apparated as normal to the dark lord's side, and was shocked to find that the two of them were alone.
"My lord" said Sabrina, as she bowed her head respectfully.
"Good day Sabrina. You may remove your mask, for you will not be needing it today" replied Voldemort.
When Sabrina raised her head and removed her mask, she looked around the room and realised that she was stood in her childhood home.

"My lord, what are we doing here?" Asked Sabrina quietly, as she placed her mask onto the kitchen table.
"It has come to my attention that you are one of the only death eaters, not using the killing curse on missions. And I don't believe that you have ever cast the spell successfully. So today, we are going to rectify that" announced Voldemort.
"But why are we here, in my old house?" Questioned Sabrina.
"I understand that it might be hard for you to kill someone who has done you no wrong. Which is why I thought it would be easier to practice the charm first, on someone that you do know, and have a grudge against".

Voldemort then lead the way from the kitchen and into the living room.
Sabrina had to control her emotions when she stepped inside the room.
She saw her mother and father lying on the floor, motionless but alive.
"I placed them both under the full body bind curse, so neither of them are going anywhere" revealed Voldemort.
Even though they could not move, Sabrina felt their eyes staring back her, pleading for mercy.
"You want me to kill my parents?" Trembled Sabrina.
"No, even I am not that heartless. It is only your father that I want you to kill. Your mother, despite her many failings, is still a pure-blood witch, and I would rather not spill any magical blood today" answered Voldemort.

Over the years, Sabrina had imagined causing her father pain, many time. But she had never actually done it.
"Does Severus know what you want me to do?" Questioned Sabrina.
"Yes, I discussed the matter with him earlier. He had no qualms about what I want you to do, provided that we don't kill your mother, since he would like her kept alive, if possible. It was he who directed me to this house, and told me about how bad things really were for you both, living with this worthless Muggle" admitted Voldemort.
"My lord, I am not sure that I am strong enough to actually kill someone" mumbled Sabrina.

"I thought you might not be, which is why I decided to make things easier for you, by bringing you back here, to face someone you hate" informed Voldemort.
"I don't think that I can kill him" admitted Sabrina.
"Why not? I was lead to believe that this man caused you such pain in your childhood. He would forbid the mention of magic in the house, and punish you when you disobeyed him. Or is my information incorrect?" Quizzed Voldemort.
"No, you speak the truth. He is the reason why I left home and moved in with the Black's"
"Then why don't you want to punish him for causing you pain?".

"I have moved on. Besides I am better than him. If I get my revenge, then I'm just as bad as that filthy Muggle" insisted Sabrina.
"I understand how you are feeling. I had to make the same choice as you, when I was still at school. Not many people know this, but my father was a useless Muggle as well. When I found out the truth, about my birth, I killed him along with my grandparents. Believe me when I say that it was the best thing I have ever done. You can never truely be free, until you rid yourself of the pain you experienced in the past" admitted Voldemort.

Sabrina's jaw dropped at Voldemort's confession, because she had assumed that he was a pure-blood. And his revelation about murdering his father, really shocked her.
"You are clearly stronger and more powerful than me, my lord" Sabrina said quietly.
"I am aware of that. But I still believe that you can master this curse" replied Voldemort.
"I don't think-"
"I don't want to hear any more excuses from you. You have to try this spell. For what use is a death eater who cannot perform the killing curse?" Interrupted Voldemort.

Sabrina shuddered involuntarily, for she now realised exactly what was on the line.
Either she killed her father, or Voldemort would kill her.
"What if my mother snitches on me to the Ministry?" Asked Sabrina, as she made one last attempt to avoid committing murder.
Voldemort turned from her to look down at Eileen.
"I don't think we have to worry about her. If she does reveal the truth, then you will just say that it was in self defense. You will tell the Ministry just what went on in this house. You will reveal to everyone about the abuse you suffered as a child, while your mother watched and did nothing. I don't think she wants the truth to come out, any more than you, so if she knows what's good for her, she will keep her mouth shut. Besides, you are freeing her from the filthy Muggle that has tormented her for years. You are doing what she was too scared to do. You are putting an end to this part of your life, and starting a new one, with me and your fiancè by your side" announced Voldemort.

Sabrina took a deep breath and removed her wand from her pocket, before pointing it at her father.
"Good. Good. Now, kill him" encouraged Voldemort.
She knew that the spell only worked if you really meant to kill your opponent.
If she wanted to succeed, she would have to remember all the bad times in her house. The times that she had tried so hard to forget.
Sabrina thought back to all the times her father beat her, belittled her, and shouted abuse at her.
She allowed her anger to fill her and overwhelm her thoughts, taking over her completely.
"Avada Kadavra!" screamed Sabrina, causing a bright green light to explode from her wand.

Sabrina closed her eyes, and when she opened them, she saw her father frozen and stiff.
Unable to look at the horror on her mothers face, Sabrina turned to face Voldemort, who was smiling cruelly.
"Well done" he said quietly.
"Thank you my lord. I am glad that I finally managed to prove myself to you" replied Sabrina emotionlessly.
"Now that you have proven yourself, I expect to see you using the killing curse on your enemies, when I send you on missions in the future"
"Nothing will hold me back now, my lord"
"Good... You may go now, and return to your fiancè. I will tidy up the mess here".

Sabrina bowed her head to Voldemort, before leaving the room to collect her mask from the kitchen.
Once she had picked it up from the table, she immediately disapparated back home, wanting to put as much distance between her and her house as possible.
She still couldn't believe what she had done, and she was repulsed by how easy it had been for her to murder her father.

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