Chapter 28- Birthday Surprise

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In the time between Regulus's birthday and Sabrina's birthday, the pair attended several death eater meetings.
Now that Regulus could use magic outside of school, he could apparate with Sabrina by his side, which meant that they didn't have to wait for Bellatrix to come and fetch them every time Voldemort summoned them.
This made Sabrina a lot happier, as she didn't particularly like Bellatrix, due to her cold heart and ruthlessness.
Bellatrix had risen up through Lord Voldemort's ranks, and many regarded her as his second in command.

To Sabrina's disappointment, a few weeks into the holidays, her brother Severus joined the death eaters.
Although she wanted him to stay out of it, she knew that deep down there was no way he would. And even if he didn't want to be a part of it, he would have been recruited by Voldemort, because of his skill in the dark arts.
Sabrina found it hard to stand opposite her brother in meetings, while trying not to show any interest in him.
Severus found it easy not to pay Sabrina any attention, but she found it harder to ignore her brother.

With everything going on, Sabrina had forgotten that Regulus was planning to surprise her on her birthday.
She woke up in his bed, as she did every morning, but this time he was not at her side.
Sabrina immediately pushed herself up into a sitting position, and scanned the room looking for Regulus.
"Reg" Sabrina whispered, as she climbed out of the bed.
The large green curtain at the other end of the room moved, and Regulus stepped out, already dressed in a suit and tie.

"Wow, someone looks smart" commented Sabrina, as she made her way across the room towards him.
"I wanted everything to be ready when you woke up, so I tried to get up as quietly as possible" revealed Regulus.
"Well, you succeeded, because you didn't wake me up" replied Sabrina.
"Happy Birthday Rina"
"Thank you... I can't believe that we are both adults now"
"Neither can I. It seems like only yesterday we were terrified first years starting Hogwarts"
"I wasn't terrified. I was looking forward to starting Hogwarts and getting away from my father... The fear came later when I realised I would forever have to pretend to be something that I'm not".

"I know... I've managed to give you an alibi for later, so that you can see your brother. I've told my parents that we are spending the afternoon out of the house together" admitted Regulus.
"What will you be doing while I am with Severus?" Asked Sabrina.
"I'm sure I'll think of something. But until then, you are all mine" grinned Regulus, as he ran his fingers through Sabrina's hair.
She smiled and pressed her lips against Regulus's hand.
"Unfortunately I think that your parents will have something to say about that" sighed Sabrina.
"Don't worry about them, you won't be seeing much of them today" revealed Regulus.

"I won't?" Questioned Sabrina.
Regulus smiled, "No. They want to give you their presents in person, but that is the only time you will have to see them today. I made sure of it".
"I hope they haven't gone too over the top with their gifts, you know how guilty it makes me feel when they shower me in lavish gifts" Sabrina said quietly.
"I'm afraid that since it is your 17th birthday, which is the most important one. I was unable to hold them back"
"Well, I hope your gift isn't too extravagant"
"It's only something small, but I have a feeling that you are going to like it a lot".

"I guess I had better go and get dressed then, so that we can start our day" sighed Sabrina.
"Actually, I want to give you my present now, before we go down and see my parents" admitted Regulus.
"That's fine with me. The longer I get to spend with you alone, the better" replied Sabrina.
Regulus nodded his head and took a deep breath, "I've planned how to give this to you, over and over in my head. I have been worried about doing this for weeks, and now that the moment has arrived, I'm terrified".
Sabrina stroked the side of Regulus's face softly.
"I love you. And you know that I am going to love whatever you give me" she said tenderly.

Regulus took hold of Sabrina's hand, before dropping down onto one knee.
"Sabrina, I love you more than anything in the world. And I can't think of anyone else that I would rather spend the rest of my life with" admitted Regulus.
He released Sabrina's hand and placed his own inside his pocket. When he removed his hand, he brought out a small black box, which he then flicked open, revealing a beautiful silver ring with a large diamond in its centre.
"Sabrina, will you marry me?" Asked Regulus.

Sabrina's jaw dropped as she stared at the ring in Regulus's hand.
"Are you sure?" She questioned, her voice no more than a whisper.
"I love you with all my heart, and I don't want us to ever be separated. I'm not expecting us to get married tomorrow, or anything like that. To be honest, I think we should definitely finish school first. But I want us to be engaged, so that everyone can see just how much I love you" answered Regulus.
"Well in that case, yes, I will marry you" announced Sabrina.

Regulus smiled and removed the ring from its box, before placing it onto Sabrina's finger.
He then stood to his feet and kissed Sabrina passionately on the lips.
"It's beautiful" admitted Sabrina when they eventually drew apart.
"My parents wanted me to give you a family heirloom instead, but I knew that you wouldn't like that. I know that you're not a fan of the whole pure-blood thing. Which is why I brought you something new" revealed Regulus.
"It's perfect"
"I'm glad that you like it"
"I do... What did your parents think, when you told them that you wanted to marry me?".

"They were happy, which shouldn't come as a big shock, because they love you and they think that they we are a perfect couple. My parents wanted me to ask someone for permission to marry you. But since they believe your father is dead, and your mother is a Muggle lover, they decided that their blessing is all I needed, as they believe that they are your real parents now" admitted Regulus.
"My father is as good as dead to me... I'm glad that your parents approve of me" replied Sabrina.
"Me to. Come on, let's get you dressed, so that we can see my parents, and get that over and done with. Once the pleasantries are over, me and you have the rest of the day alone together, apart from the time you will spend with Severus. Trust me when I tell you that I have a lot more surprises up my sleeve"
"Oh joy".

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