Chapter 38- Horcrux

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Sabrina and Regulus spent the next few days reading every book on dark objects that they could get their hands on.
They searched the Black library in Grimmauld Place, and Flourish and Blotts the bookshop, but found nothing.
"It's at times like this that I wish we could use the Hogwarts library" sighed Sabrina, as she placed a book back on its shelf.
Her and Regulus had ended up in a dark bookshop in Knockturn Alley, which was one of Sabrina's least favourite places.
"I doubt Hogwarts has the kind of books that we're after" mumbled Regulus.
"There are dark books in the Restricted Section. But since we can't return to Hogwarts, there is no point wondering about what kind of books are there" admitted Sabrina.

"I think I've found something" whispered Regulus.
Sabrina looked sternly at the bookshop employee, causing him to make his way further away from them.
He had given them a wide berth ever since they'd entered, as he seemed to know that they were connected to Voldemort, so he didn't want to mess with them.
Sabrina was glad, as this meant they could browse the shelves without being interrupted.
Once Sabrina was sure that they wouldn't be overheard by the employee, she got closer to Regulus.
"Go on" she encouraged.

"O.K. This book talks about some very dark magic. It mentions something called a Horcrux, which is supposed to be one of the worst things a person can create" admitted Regulus.
"Well if it's that bad, I'm sure it would have interested the dark lord" muttered Sabrina.
"My thoughts exactly. But what caught my eye, is that this kind of magic requires an object"
"An object like Slytherin's locket?"
"Right, let's buy the book and get out of here, so that we can continue this conversation in private".

Regulus put away the other books he had been looking at, before making his way to the counter, so that he could buy the book that mentioned Horcrux's.
Once back in the safety of their house, Regulus continued revealing to Sabrina what he had found in the book.
"To create a Horcrux, one must split their soul, through an evil act, like murder" informed Regulus.
Sabrina shuffled uncomfortably, as she thought about her own soul.
"How exactly does one create a Horcrux?" She asked.
"The book doesn't go into too much detail, as it claims that the act is too terrible to be discussed" admitted Regulus.

"Well that isn't very helpful... What does a Horcrux actually do?" Questioned Sabrina.
"It makes you immortal" answered Regulus bluntly.
Sabrina's jaw dropped, as that had not been the answer she'd been expecting.
"Immortal. Like, unable to ever die?" She asked, hoping she had misheard.
"Yes. The book says that if you have a Horcrux, you cannot be killed" replied Regulus.
"How come?"
"Well, you place a part of your soul into an object which then becomes Horcrux. If you are attacked, your body will be destroyed, but your soul will live on. And there are numerous dark ways that a soul can regain a body".

"So you think that the dark lord has done this, created a Horcrux using Slytherin's locket?" Questioned Sabrina.
"It is possible. It explains why he was hiding an object which would have increased his popularity if he had revealed it to the world. Because he wouldn't want to have his Horcrux anywhere that wasn't safe" admitted Regulus.
"We still don't know that it is the real locket. Salazar Slytherin's locket is supposed to be lost" reminded Sabrina.
Regulus shook his head, "It is not quite as lost as we first thought. I was speaking to Borgin earlier, and he revealed that he actually used to have the locket in his shop".
"But surely he was just boasting".

"Not necessarily. He said the locket was given to him years ago by a homeless woman, who didn't seem to know just how valuable it really was. He paid her a tiny amount, before selling it on to a woman named Hepzibah Smith" revealed Regulus.
"I'm surprised he actually told you who bought it" admitted Sabrina.
"Well, that's where the story really gets interesting, because Hepzibah Smith was killed several years ago. And the locket was never found with the rest of her belongings. Rumour has it she was also in possession of Helga Hufflepuff's cup, because she was one of her descendants. But the cup was also never found"
"So someone found out about the locket and the cup, and murdered this woman to get the items that had once belonged to the Hogwarts founders"
"Supposedly her house-elf killed her, by accidently slipping poison into her tea. But I agree with you, it is more than likely that she was murdered for the locket and the cup".

"Do you think that the dark lord was the one who killed her and took the locket and the cup?" Asked Sabrina.
"We both know that he is not above killing. And even if he didn't kill this woman, he killed the thief to get his hands on the locket later on, because we don't know for sure that he has Hufflepuff's cup as well" replied Regulus.
"So, if the dark lord does have the locket, and has turned it into a Horcrux, then that means he can never be killed"
"No. Which is why I am going to go to that cave, to steal it. We are the only ones who know about this, so it's up to us to destroy it".

"I agree with you. But I am not going to let you go alone. I am coming to" announced Sabrina.
Regulus shook his head, "No, it's too dangerous".
"The dark lord will have put a lot of defenses around this cave, so it is too dangerous for you to go alone. What's the famous saying? Two wands are better than one. So you need my help" insisted Sabrina.
"But I don't want you to get hurt"
"And I don't want to sit at home, worrying that you are getting hurt because I am not there to help you. You are my fiancè, and we are in this together. We started this by each other's sides, and we are going to end this by each other's sides. We will stop the dark lord, together"
"Alright then, let's do this".

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