Chapter 57- Into The Woods

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With Grimmauld Place out of bounds once more, Sabrina was stuck at home. And this time she was seeing even less of Kreacher, since he was back working at Hogwarts.
Sabrina was desperate to find out what had happened to Harry and the Horcrux, which is why she quizzed her brother for information on Harry, whenever she saw him.
After months of asking for information, shortly after Christmas, Sabrina got lucky.
"I know where Potter and his friends are" Severus revealed one evening.
This news caused Sabrina to jump to her feet, "Where?".

"Why are you so anxious to know?" Questioned Severus.
"That doesn't matter. Just tell me where Harry is" demanded Sabrina.
"I can't just reveal the location of the most wanted person in the country, without a good reason" replied Severus.
"I'm not exactly going to tell anyone am I, since you're the only person I have contact with"
"But you intend on going after the boy".

Sabrina frowned, since she hadn't actually revealed to her brother that she planned on going off to find Harry.
"How did you know?" She asked curiously, hoping that her brother had not used Legillimancy on her, as there was a lot she had to keep secret from him.
"It's clear what you intend to do, I can see it all over your face" admitted Severus.
"Alright, fine. Yes, I intend on going to find Harry right now" replied Sabrina.
"Why? Why does this boy mean so much to you? You don't even know him".

"That's where you're wrong. Shortly before Harry's break in at the Ministry, the two of us became well acquainted. I have a task to do, that I need Harry's help to complete, which is why I need to find him" revealed Sabrina.
"And you can't tell me what this task is" frowned Severus.
"No, I can't. This is a secret I have kept for a long time, and it is something I cannot tell anyone about. Harry knows about this secret, because Dumbledore told him. Which is why only the two of us can complete this task"
"You've got to give me more than that, if you want me to tell you where Potter is".

"Look, Regulus died for this. This secret is the real reason he died, and I went into hiding. I finally have the chance to finish the mission that my fiancè left me all those years ago. But I can't do it without Harry. So please, I'm begging you, tell me where he is" pleaded Sabrina.
Severus sighed, "He's hiding in the forest of Dean".
Sabrina ran forward and hugged her brother tight, "Thank you".
"Just don't tell anyone where you got that information from" replied Severus.

"I won't... Out of curiosity, how did you find out?" Questioned Sabrina.
"The trio finally revealed their location out loud, and Phineas was able to give that information to me through his second portrait in my office. I had my own mission from Dumbledore that I had to complete, involving Potter. Which is why I was trying to find out where he was" answered Severus.
"Right. I guess Dumbledore has us all running around after him, even though he is no longer with us... Well, I'd better be off. I'll be back soon"
"Hurry back. And don't do anything stupid while you're out. I shall be waiting for you when you get back"
"Don't worry, I'll be careful".

After getting an exact location in the forest from her brother, Sabrina apparated to the forest of Dean in search of Harry.
She knew that the group were using protective magic around their tent, so she wouldn't be able to see it.
So she just hoped that one of the group would see her, and reveal themselves to her.
And after quite a few minutes of wandering around the woods, in the dark, Sabrina resorted to calling out Harry's name.
Despite not thinking that shouting was a good idea, Sabrina's risk paid off when she suddenly saw Harry appearing in front of her, with his wand raised.

"Thank Merlin I found you. I've been wandering around this stupid forest for ages, looking for you" admitted Sabrina.
"Identify yourself" demanded Harry, who still hadn't lowered his wand, which upon closer inspection, Sabrina realised was not his wand at all, but Hermione's.
"I'm glad that you are so cautious, it's probably why you've lasted this long. But since no one actually knows I'm alive, I can't see why they'd pretend to be me. Tell me, have you got the Horcrux?" Questioned Sabrina.

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