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"Eavesdropping now, are we?"

I told Kai to wait outside because I didn't want him to hear those women's boorish language. But I forgot how stubborn he can be and caught him red-handed peeking in the principal's office, he stared at me with his bright eyes filled with guilt and a sheepish look.


Before he could end his stuttering, I smacked him across the head -not too harshly, of course.

The guilt in his eyes was replaced by accusation as he angrily pointed at me for my sudden action, "What was that for!?"

Instead of answering him, I held his hand and raised it to his eye level, confused, he moved his gaze toward it, "What- it's just a scratch, not even a bruise!"

"They still managed to get to you even if it was this little."

The boy who was expecting praise instead got a smack and scolding for getting a scratch in a fight with four boys older than him, with aggrieved eyes he looked at me silently.

"Go, get your school bag, we're leaving."

"You're so annoying!" Stomping his feet in frustration, he turned around but not before narrowing his eyes at me sharply and ran toward his classroom to get his things.

Shaking my head at his childish actions, I walked toward the parking lot, leaving the principal office from where anyone can hear angry shouts of women demanding to not expel their sons. I don't care what happens to them because what I wanted was for Kai to punish the boys on his own, and he didn't disappoint me. He has to learn to fight his struggles on his own, he would have to learn how to squish such bugs in his path.

I don't think I'm capable enough to protect him but I can make him able to protect himself and I'll do anything to make him a man no will be able to stand against. I'll be the strongest backing in whatever he wants to do. I'll make his company among the tops so that when he takes its control, no one would be able to point any finger at him, it's the least I can do for him.


As I reached near my car where I parked it, a familiar voice called my name. Before I left school, Kai & I used to come together as this school consisted of all levels (elementary/primary, middle & high) in the same space, but divided by different buildings and staff. I believe this school ruined my confidence in the past, it made me think no matter how much I try I'll never be part of a certain standard, hence I never stopped trying, always making a fool of myself. So, I was just ignoring the fact that I also studied here -as I was ashamed of the self I was here- but seems like can't anymore.

"Oh my God! It's really you! I was doubtful at first when I saw you look different!"

I turned around to face none other than Jia Anderson, my ex-friend, staring at me with wide eyes from head to toe. In front of her high-school uniform, I guess, she never imagined that in six months she'll see in formal attire. I forgot to keep track, it must be off-time that's why she's here in the parking lot. To confirm the speculation, I gazed around and realized that the parking area was quite filled with students going in & out.

"What happened? You suddenly left school and we even lost contact with you! You know I- look guys it's Allea!"

This was how she has always been, over-excited & dense, I don't get why she's so excited after seeing me. She didn't even realize my indifferent eyes and continued to ramble. Although Jia was neither bad to me nor good, a part of me just don't want to face her, it reminds me how ignorant I was and I don't like that thought.

I moved my eyes toward the group of people to whom she announced my presence, with only a fleeting look I took in their shocked faces and narrowed eyes, as they stood gawking at me while leaning against their cars. For a split second my eyes paused on a certain figure -Lisa Delton, our school's queen and whom I served as a side-kick, how embarrassing.

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