꧁𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 4꧂

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Hey, so I'm actually writing this chapter today and not a day ahead and I'm hoping to get it out today; consistency is key. I wasn't feeling very well yesterday and stayed in bed all day. I constantly felt like I was going to pass out but thankfully I didn't and it was just lack of food and exhaustion. But besides that I'm feeling better today so I also want to get a head start on chapter 5 too because tomorrow I'm gonna be a little busy. Although, I am going to have to develop a writing schedule but I already have a thought out when I will actually be able to sit down and write without interruption. The only days I'm pretty sure I won't be able to write on is M,T, and Th, however, I will post sometimes on those days. I also want to start picking up my other story on my account that I had started writing over the summer but I had a lot happen during that time so I had to stop it. Anyway, I'll stop rambling and start writing. I hope you enjoy.
    Running my conditioner coated hands through my damp hair after the shower makes me sigh in content. After getting back from the gym I jumped in the shower as soon as I got home. Grammy wasn't home yet, seeing as it was her bingo night with her friends in town. Grammy acts way younger than her age so she likes to hang out with her friends a lot. Lemon brushes up against my legs as I pick up the discarded clothes by the door. Meowing she glides through my legs letting me know she is hungry and wants her food now. Picking her up I walk down the creaky wooden stairs as the evening sun starts to set letting of an orange and red glow. Stepping into the kitchen I place her on the ground and tell her to wait while I reach under the light wooden cabinets. Grabbing the can of wet food I open the can and dump it into her tan-colored food bowl; afterward, I fill up her water bowl seeing as it was really low.
I let out a low groan as I realized I would have to make some food on my own since Grammy wouldn't be back till tomorrow morning. I mean don't get me wrong I know how to cook since I grew up with Grammy and she wanted me to know how to cook a decent meal for whoever I was to be with. I thank Grammy slightly as search the fridge for something to eat, ultimately I decide to make something simple and just grab some ground beef to make a few burgers. I get so everything ready and start frying three burgers in the pan putting a lid over the top of it so they don't get dried out. While they are cooking and occasionally flipping them I wash and cut up a few potatoes into wedges for some fries. After seasoning them a little I put them in the oven so that there isn't any excess oil. Taking the burgers out of the pan and placing them on some buns with a little mayo, lettuce, pickles, cheese, and mustard. Checking my phone I notice I have a message from someone on Instagram. I gotta remember to check it since I tend to forget to message people back. Grabbing the fries from the oven I place a couple on the place and set the rest aside for tomorrow's lunch since there were some leftovers. I grab a sweet tea from the fridge and head upstairs ready to play a few games before heading to bed.
After my mom passed away I was left with a little money so since I don't have a job as of the moment I dip a little into the money occasionally to buy somethings. My mother came from a well-off family so what she left me isn't a little money but to be honest I don't want for anything. Grammy never let me touch it till I became old enough to understand just because you have the money to get something doesn't mean you need it. After I learned the value of money and what I have been sufficient already I have only used the money to get things I need when Grams says she doesn't want to pay for it. She has always treated me like I was her son but I guess it cause I came to her so early in life even if she didn't particularly want to have to raise a child all over again. I would do anything for that woman, she's all the family I've got now.
Shutting the game after saying goodbye to the party of people I was playing with on COD makes me look around the quiet room. The silence starts to slowly creep in making me stand abruptly to turn on some Lofi music so that it will fill the empty silence. Being home alone makes the silence seem terrible but silence is good when there is some type of presence. Taking up my plate and empty tea bottle I head downstairs singing Fly Me to the Moon as it plays softly spilling from my bedroom door. Grams would kill me if she knew I had eaten upstairs and left the dish up there but I can understand it causes ants are a pain, especially when you live surrounded by woods. The sun is gone and is replaced by the forever moon taking whatever warmth there was with it. Dishes from when I cooked lay in the sink so I decided to do the dishes so my ass wouldn't get beat by my Grammy once she comes home.
My favorite thing about being home alone though is being able to take sweets her sweets from the cupboards without her knowing. The candy jar sits on top of the counter in plain view yet she expects me not to eat them because they are her candies. Well, if she didn't want them to be eaten they should be in her room. My hand is full of her candies as I head back to my room with the biggest shit-eating grin on my face. Pieces of candy get thrown into my mouth as I lay on my bed reading a story about the different types of mythical sea monsters. They freak me out, however, I can't stop reading them, there is just something about them that makes me want to know everything about them. The lids of my eyes start to droop as a few hours pass by with me reading, having a private concert, and ending up watching a couple of videos on YouTube. Before I know it my eyes are rolling to the back of my head and I'm sucked into a nightmare fueled by the sugar still present in my system.

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