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Clay POV

George and I both went back inside and everyone was in the classroom now. We sat down next to each other and I noticed people being a little mean to George.

'Clay? Can you come and introduce yourself?'

I nodded and I stood up, walking to the front of the classroom. I turned around and looked at everyone. 'Hello, I'm Clay. I'm from America, but I moved here. I'm 17 and I love football.' I looked at one of my teammates and he smiled.

I looked back at George and saw people were being mean to him, someone tapped his back and they gave him a piece of paper. I wanted to get back as soon as possible. I needed to help George.

'Am I done?'

'Does someone have any questions?'

Everyone kept quiet and I went back to sit next to George. I noticed him crying softly.

'Hey, what's wrong?' I whispered.

He handed me the piece of paper.

Hey, stupid autistic guy, why are you here? Why aren't you in that bakery of yours? I don't want a neurotic guy here.

The teacher noticed George cry and came closer to me.

'Can you go with him for a second?'

I nodded and stood up. I lifted George up. 'Come with me.'

He walked with me and I closed the door behind us. We both sat down on a bench and George cried harder.

'He is mean.'

'That was really mean, but I'm happy you're here.'

He looked up with a surprised look. 'Really?'


He was even adorable whilst crying. He opened his arms to hug me and let himself fall in my arms. I heard him softly sob in my arms. His head rested against my chest and I bet he could hear my fast heartbeat. My heartbeat fastened every time as soon as we hugged.

'Don't cry, Georgie. I'm with you.'

'He is so mean.'

'He is, but you are sweet. Do you want to watch some videos of ice skating?'

His eyes lit up and I grabbed my phone. I looked up ice skating and he clicked on a video. We watched the video together, George in my arms. I had been feeling very warm inside and I was happy. He smiled brightly when the video ended and started explaining everything to me.

'What tricks could you do?'

He paused the video and tapped on the screen to go back a little.

'That!' he said happily.

'That's really impressive.'

'You think so?'

I nodded. 'It really is. I would fall down so quickly.'

George giggled cutely. I felt my cheeks heating up when he giggled. He was still laying down in my arms and I wrapped my arm around him to pull him closer. George looked at me and blinked a few times.

'Clay, are you okay?'


'I noticed it a few times, you aren't okay.'

'How do you know?'


'I guess I don't feel extremely well, but I'm happy now.'

'Why aren't you happy?'

'I guess uh- my girlfriend cheated on me.'

He scooted closer to me and rubbed my hand. 'That's mean.'

'It is.'

'I think she doesn't deserve you.'

'That's sweet of you.'

'She is mean and you are sweet.'

I smiled, it actually made me feel better. He was just so adorable.

'The boy she cheated with isn't sweet either.'

I giggled. 'I bet he isn't.'

'And he is not as beautiful as you.'

'Aww, Georgie. That's so sweet.'

'You are beautiful.' He took a deep breath. 'And sweet and cute.'

'Aww, Georgie. You're making me flustered.'

George giggled and looked up. He looked at me and he looked me in the eyes. The first time he actually locked eyes with me this whole day. He shyly looked away after a few seconds and rested his head on my chest again.

'Georgie, we should go back to class.'

'But they don't want me there.' His eyes filled with tears again.

'But I want you there and I will protect you.'

We both stood up and walked to the door. We opened it and went back inside. The teacher smiled at us and we sat down. My teammate gave me a weird look when he saw us again, which made me feel a little uncomfortable.

717 words

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