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Clay POV

'I didn't know how to kiss back, I'm so sorry. It's so difficult for me,' George said with tears in his eyes. 'Sorry.'

'I will teach you that,' I smirked and he blushed. 'Did you like it, Georgie?'

He nodded heavily. 'I only don't know what to do, it's so difficult for me.' He looked incredibly sad suddenly.

'Because of your autism?'

He nodded and I saw a tear rolling down his face. I wiped it away and hugged him shortly.

'Can I make it better for you? What makes it hard for you?'

'I have to get used to the fact we are going to kiss before kissing.'

'Do I have to tell you when I'm about to kiss you?'

'If you want to. I'm just a burden,' he said with tears rolling down his face.

'Not at all.'

'But I am, I hate my autism.'

'And I love it. You're adorable. You're autism is a part of you and I love it.'

'Can we still hug now we kissed?'

'Of course, Georgie. I want to ask you something, but don't get upset okay? You don't have to say yes.'


'Do you want to be my boyfriend?'

He looked at me a little scared. 'Can I think? What do boyfriends do?'

'Kiss, hug, loving each other. I like you, George.

'I like you too. I guess I want to be your boyfriend, but I'm very scared.'

He started tearing up again and I hugged him. 'Can you tell me what's wrong?'

'It's such a big change.'

'Do you want to talk about it first?'

He nodded. I wiped away his tears again and he grabbed me tightly.

'What do you want to know?'

'Do I have to kiss you?'

'If you don't want to, no.'

'But I want to, I just don't dare to. I don't know how I have to do it, but I like you and I want to kiss you I think.'

'I can kiss you if that's better.'

'Can we still cuddle and sleep together?'

'Definitely, that's something boyfriend do even more together.'


I nodded. 'And I will never force you into anything.'

'Can I keep my sheep?'

'Of course, Georgie. I'm not going to take away anything from you. I will only give you more. Your sheep can stay whenever we cuddle or sleep.'

'Do I have to put him away when I'm downstairs?'

'Absolutely not. You can bring your sheep wherever.'

'Are you breaking up with me if I cry?'

'What, Georgie? Of course not.'

'Can I mess anything up?'

'No, Georgie. Unless you cheat on me or whatever but you find kissing me hard already so I don't think you will do that.'

'I think I do want to be your boyfriend then.'

'I'm so happy. George, if you want to kiss with me, can you say it to me? Or do you not dare to?'

'I don't know.'

'You can just say tap my shoulder or say it and I will kiss you.'

'Can you now?'

'Of course.'

'But can you tell me what to do?'

'I will kiss you shortly and you just copy me, okay?'

I kissed his lips very shortly and he looked at me. He blushed.

'Do you want to try it too?'

He nodded. 'Where do I have to put my hands?'

I grabbed his hands and put them around my neck. He slowly moved a little closer, but backed away.

'I'm scared to do bad.'

'You won't and even if you will, I will kiss back and help you.'

It calmed him down and he leaned in again, this time pressing his lips on mine. I grabbed his waist again and kissed back. He moved his hand to my hair and after twenty seconds we broke apart. We both smiled like crazy at each other and George hugged me.

'You did amazing. I'm very proud of you.'

He blushed and smiled. 'You are way better than my sheep.'

'But your sheep is very cute too. Don't forget about him.'

'He is waiting on the couch for me.'

'He must miss you.'

George nodded and hugged me tighter. 'I think so too.'

I loved how passionated he was about his stuffed animals. He was so adorable, he was amazing.

717 words

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