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-Slight abuse/bullying

Clay POV

It was after school that day. My teammates had sworn at me a lot, but I ignored them. Today was my first football training after the incident and I must say that I was pretty nervous. George was coming to my place after the training so I was looking forward to that. I grabbed all my stuff for training, I was running a little late. I was actually happy to be late so I didn't have to be with the others at the start.

I walked to the club as slowly as possible. I was so nervous. When I arrived there everyone was already training. I ran inside, threw my bag on the bench and ran to the training field. The trainer looked at me in concern. I was never too late and I knew I looked scared.

'Clay, are you alright?'

'Uh- yeah.'

'Can you be honest?'

'It's nothing, I have to deal with this myself.'

'You can tell me.'

'My teammates saw me kiss with a boy, okay? Happy? They hate me now.'

'I'm sorry you have to experience this, homophobia is bad at football clubs. I will keep an eye on them and make sure they won't do anything.'

'They aren't going to allow me to go shower after, so I guess I will leave a little bit earlier to grab my bags.'

'Okay, that's fine. Clay, I accept you. Do you have a boyfriend?'

'I do, his name is George.'

'Oh, is he the one who came here with his stuffed animal once, he is so sweet. You should bring him once again.'

'He is, he has autism and is very attached to his sheep. I don't think I will ever bring him here, he will get hurt or scared.'

'You really like him, don't you? You look happy when you talk about him.'

'I'm quite in love, yeah. I just didn't wish for someone to see us kiss, definitely not someone from my football team.'

'Go and train, it will pass by.'

I shrugged and ran towards the field. Everyone was already running around. I started running with them and it didn't take too long before everyone started talking about me.

'He is a freaking faggot,' I heard someone whispering.

'Ew, really?'

'He was kissing that autistic guy, I don't want him in our changing room anymore. How many times did he stare at us, ew. So disgusting.'

'I don't want faggots watching me, disgusting.'

Someone walked towards me and grabbed my wrist. 'Go to hell.'

I ignored it and kept running, but then someone made me trip. I fell down on the ground and hit my head. I felt my nose started bleeding within seconds and my trainer ran towards me.

'Are you okay, Clay?'

I nodded. 'I think uh- I might skip this training today.'

He nodded. 'I understand.'

I crawled up and walked towards the changing room. I heard someone coming after me. It was the boy who saw me kiss with George.

'I'm not letting you get away with this, how many times did you stare at us changing?'

'Never, I was in love with George. Not one of you. I'm still in love with George, I don't stare at you guys. I like George's body, not yours.'

'That's so disgusting.'

'Leave me alone, I'm leaving already. I won't change with you anymore.'

He laughed and I started running away. I didn't cry often, actually I cried never, but now. Tears streamed down my face as I entered my house. My dad wasn't home today. I cried my eyes out and ran upstairs, crying alone in my bed. I needed George. I decided to text him.

hey im not training today

Oh, why not? Can I come?

if u want

He didn't reply anymore, which probably meant he was coming. I decided to put on some music. I grabbed my speakers and put on music loudly, it was a metal band. Always when I got aggressive or sad I listened to metal, it helped me cope with my emotions. I listened to it for minutes long but I startled when George stood in my room. He had his hands on his ears and he was crying. His sheep fell on the ground and he cried his eyes out.

722 words

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