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Clay POV

George skated for an hour and a half. He went to the changing room and asked me to come with him. He sat down and held my hand.

'If you take your skates off, you can have your sheep.'

George quickly took his skates off and grabbed his sheep.

'How did it go, sweetie?'

'It was fun.'

'Do you like to come back?'

He nodded and let himself fall in my arms. 'Can we kiss when we get home?'

I blushed and looked at everyone. They grinned a little. 'Uh-.'

George could be very direct, he just said what he thought and he didn't know when he could say something or not.

'We can kiss when we get home, but let's not discuss that now,' I whispered. I turned completely red and looked around me. Everyone was just giggling a little.

'I'm sorry, he just says whatever.'


'No, it's fine Georgie.'

'I thought you were mad at me.'

'I wasn't.'

George had trouble recognising emotions, he could think someone was mad when they were just happy. It was all about the tone and the voice, he knew directly how someone felt by the voice only.

'I'm sorry for asking.'

He looked at me extremely sad.

'Georgie, it's totally fine.'

'I embarrassed you.'

'Come here,' I said. I lifted him up and we walked outside. When we were alone, I cupped his face.

'Of course I want to kiss.' I pressed my lips on his and he kissed back immediately. The kiss lasted just fifteen seconds, but George smiled again. He hugged me and we walked back home after. He held my hand the whole time and I saw him softly smile.

'Why did you do this for me?' he said emotionally.

'Because I love you.'

'I think I love you more.'

I stood still and hugged him. 'Never, sweetie.'

We kept walking when we suddenly saw one of my old teammates.

'So Clay, already found another club?'

I nodded. 'Yeah, so just leave us alone.'

'I'm still so disgusted by you in the changing room, I bet you stared at us.'

'I didn't since I have a boyfriend whose hotter than every single human being in this world.'

'You're so gay, I literally hate you.'

'Okay, leave me alone then.'

'Go to hell.'

He walked off and George was silently crying.

'No one can be mean to you, but I don't know what to say to stop him.'

'It's fine, Georgie. I'm okay. He is very mean, but you don't have to help, I know you don't know what to do. I'm not mad.'

'But he hurt you.'

'He didn't, I don't mind anymore.'

'Can I make it better?'

'Do you want a hug?'

He nodded. I hugged him tight and kissed his cheek. 'I'm not hurt, sweetie. I'm not.'

I felt him smile softly and we broke apart. He stood on his tiptoes and pressed a short kiss on my lips.

'You didn't even say anything, I'm so proud.'

He blushed and looked away.

'Do you want me to kiss you?'

He nodded. I looked around me and saw no one. I started kissing him and grabbed his middle and cupped his face. He wrapped his arms around my neck and we kissed as long as we had breath left for. I heard some people in the background and I saw my new teammate grinning.

(I wrote this a next day and I thought we were at Clays football club LMAO)

'Bro, you really love him, don't you.'

'I do,' I said, cheeks burning.

'I just wanted to say something- I fully accept you guys and I don't understand why people don't. Clay, you're a really good player and I love having you new in my team. We could win some matches now. And George, you are such a sweet guy. You're the right one for Clay, definitely.'

I smiled and George blushed. He hid his face and hugged me tightly.

'He is happy,' I said.

'Good, you guys are so cute together. Know that I fully accept you and even when people are being mean to you, I have your back.'

George let go of me and turned around. 'Thanks.'

I was surprised he talked to the boy.

'Thanks, dude,' I said too.

George turned around again and hugged me. I rubbed through his hair and kissed his forehead.

'I never loved anyone like you,' George whispered. I blushed and smiled.

'Same, Georgie.'

748 words

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