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George POV

I stood up and walked behind the counter to hug Clay. 'She is very mean and she doesn't deserve you. Do you think about it a lot?'

'A little, I had a few panic attacks about it, but I feel happier since a few days.'

'What happened?'

'I met you.' He rubbed through my hair and smiled. 'I like your hugs.'

'Do you like me too?'

Clay seemed to startled a little and then nodded. 'Of course.'

'You can be honest,' I muttered sad because of his hesitation.

'Why are you suddenly sad?'

'I thought you hesitated.'

'I didn't Georgie, I like you a lot.'

We let go of each other and I sat back down on my chair. I couldn't stop looking at Clay, he was so beautiful. Clay had to leave for school twenty minutes later and started watching some videos again. When it was my time to leave, I was excited to see Clay again. I ran to school and Clay was waiting for me. I hugged him and looked at him. 'I missed you and I didn't have my stuffed animal.'

Clay smiled and pulled me inside. 'Come, class.'

The whole day was very calm. No one was really mean to me and I was almost sad when school was over. I walked home alone because Clay had training and entered my house. My mum was sitting on the couch and I sat next to her.



'Am I in love?'

'Why, sweetie?'

'I have butterflies.'

I grabbed my sheep, pretending it to be Clay.

'Butterflies? Aww, did you meet someone?'

'And I blush sometimes.'

'Who do you like?'

'It's a boy.'

'Are you gay, sweetie?'

'Do I like him?'

'What do you feel exactly?'

'Butterflies in my stomach. I have never liked anyone.'

'You might like him. Do you want more?'


'A relationship? More than just hug, maybe kiss him?'


'Do you think about that?'

'I wouldn't dare to.'

'And if he kissed you?'

'I don't know what it would be like. I think I would be a little scared, but if someone had to kiss me, it would be Clay.'

'And if he asked you to be his boyfriend?'

'What do you do as boyfriends?'

'Hug, kiss. You're in love with each other.'

'I want to cuddle with him.'

'What do you think when you see him, sweetie?'

'He is the most handsome and sweetest person I ever met. And his smile is cute.'

'I think you're in love with him.'

'But I know him two days.'

'You can like someone after a few days.'

'Am I gay?'

'I think you are.'

Suddenly my dad walked in and he looked at me confused. 'You're gay?'

My mum frowned and nodded. 'I think he is.'

'But George, that's wrong,' my dad said.

'Not now,' my mum said.

'George, listen to me. Being gay is wrong.'

I got scared by his screaming voice and hid my face. 'Don't scream.'

'Being gay isn't supposed to be like this,' he screamed.

I stood up and ran away. I grabbed my stuffed animal and ran outside. I didn't know where Clay lived but I knew where he trained. I ran with my stuffed animal to the football field and I saw Clay training. He turned around to kick the ball and saw me. When the training was done two minutes later, he ran towards me.

'George? Aww, did you bring your stuffed animal?'

'I'm scared.'

'Aww, what happened. Hey, don't cry!'

He climbed over the railing and hugged me. 'What's wrong?'

'My parents yelled at me and they scared me.'

'Why did they yell?'

'Because I- no, I don't want to tell.'

'That's fine. I will grab my bags and I will bring you home.'

'No, I don't want to go home.'

'Do you're parents know where you are?'

I shook my head.

'I will call them that you're with me.'

'No, they are mad.'

'Why are they mad, Georgie? What happened? Do you want to tell me?'

'I asked something and they didn't like the outcome of it, so they started yelling. That scared me so much that I ran away.'

'I will grab my bags.'

Clay ran to the changing room and came back a minute later. He didn't change clothes, he was still in football clothes. He looked good like this.

'You look good in those football clothes.'

Clay blushed and smiled. 'Thanks, Georgie. Does your stuffed animal have a name?'

I shook my head. 'It's just sheep.'

Clay giggled and wrapped his arm around me. 'It's a beautiful sheep.'

'But you are more beautiful.'

'Aww, George. You're making me flustered.'


'Yes, Georgie.'

'You're sweet.'

He stood still to hug me. I blushed and smiled, maybe I did like Clay.

798 words

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