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Fie Wright's P. O. V

"What's up with the long face? Why are you so down in the dumps? Why do you have the blues today? Wh-,"

"Can you stop with the stupid idioms?" I growl out, grabbing the stress ball next to me on the desk and throwing it right at Ezra's furiously annoying face.

"Yeesh. I just want to ask you why you're so mopey and pouting non stop. It's getting annoying. Whatever is on your face, get rid of it." The sassy tone is cut off as I leap out of my chair, canines elongated and claws ready to scratch some brown eyes out.

"Okay. Jeez. Holy shit. Calm down there Fie." Ezra yelps, jumping out of his own chair and hiding behind the desk that separates the two of us. "There's no need to claw my eyes out, woman."

"Then shut up!" I growl out before taking in a deep breath, trying to calm myself down or otherwise I'll be gouging the man's eyes out of his eye socket with my claws. "I just feel so guilty." Comes a total one eighty of my previous tone as I flop back down into the seat, mourning woefully at an increasingly confused Ezra.

The man tentatively sits back down in his own chair, eyes cautious and body alert as he cocks a single brow up in question. "Why do you feel guilty? If I can ask you, that is. If not, feel free to ignore me. I don't mind." He splutters, muscles taut and ready to spring into action at any given moment.

"Have you not seen Malleus since yesterday?" I hint at him, fiddling with a stray pencil that was lying on my desk.

Ezra softens his stance and furrows his brows, not sure what I'm getting at as he speaks up, "Uh, I haven't seen the man since yesterday. It's like he's trying to avoid me."

"That's probably because he is. He goes out of his way so that you don't end up in his," I drop the pencil back onto the wooden desk before racking a hand through my hair and messing it up even more so than what it already is. "I marked him yesterday." I say dolefully while Ezra practically jumps back to life.

"What? That's great news. I'd like to point out it sounds like he copied me but that's besides the point of course," he quickly rushes out at my unamused stare before continuing, "I don't get why you're feeling guilty."

Raising my hand, I wave to my unscarred neck, "Do you see any sort of mark on me? Malleus told me to take my time since I wanted to think everything through, but I have literally nothing to think through. I'm hesitant for no reason. All this shit just piled up on me and now I feel guilty." I unload to Ezra, who scoffs aloud.

"Do you want Malleus to mark you?"

"Yes." My answer is quick and I don't even have to think over it. The one word is like a nail in the coffin and completely absolute.

Ezra shrugs his shoulders, the collar of his light blue button-up shirt moving with the action and causing the lateral to shift which results in his mark to proudly stand out against his skin.

"Then I see no reason to fret over it. Just go and tell Malleus what you want. It's not a big deal. You're simply turning it into one." I barely get a chance to mull over his words as a pleasant sound invades the both of us while the scent of two people hit me not a second later.

"Ask Malleus what?" Comes the husky voice of my mate, a smile slipping onto my face in the next moment.

I reach my arms out to my mate, about to make grabby hands to get his attention, but he's already decided on his terms what to do as Malleus strides towards me and scooping me up into his arms in the next second. I hum in content as I wrap my limbs around him. Hugging my mate tight while Ezra whines in the background but promptly cuts himself off. The lack of noise causes my attention to wind up, but I'm currently too busy inhaling the scent of orange blossom from my mate as he does the same to me. Just the two of us casually sniffing each other.

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