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Fie Wright's P. O. V

Just a little bit further. It's only over that next clump of trees. I'm sure I can make it that far. I'll just have to ignore the throbbing in my feet, the pain shooting from the tips of my toes to the balls of my feet and then soaring over the expanse of my legs, only coming to a stop at the stitch I've gotten in the side of my torso, flexing and tightening with each passing breath.

I'm a wolf. I'm supposed to be fit. What the hell is going on.

No amount of chiding and getting angry at my wolf for lending me strength makes me come up with a plausible solution nor does it make me believe that the hundredth clump of trees I've passed is where the gate to the realm really is. If I'm being completely honest, I have no idea where I am in this forest and I know for a fact I would've ended up lost if not for the rest of the pack with me. My sense of smell only allowing me to trace myself a mile back, everything in regards to my wolf senses being dulled to a whole new level. It's like I'm being sapped of energy, each action taking more strength than it usually would.

"Malleus." I whisper to my mate walking a few paces in front of me, clutching onto his hand when it swings back. He immediately slows his pace down, a look of realisation passing onto his face when it dawns on him I wasn't in step with the man.

"Would you like me to carry you?" He questions seriously, tightening his grip on my hand before realising it, only to throw his arm over my shoulder and allowing me to lean into him. My face blushes a light pink as I shake my head, already hearing Ezra's nagging that would erupt if I was carried like a wannabe princess while he has to walk like a pauper. I think I'll pass on that.

"No," I say with a shake of my head, "I'm fine." There's a slight pause before I utter out that last word, sweat brimming on my upper lip as the heat gets to me due to the humidity around us. The continuous drizzle of rain manages to quell the waves of heat just a bit but the air is still suffocating to say the least.

"There's this weird feeling here. I feel different. More tired and drained like I've been sick for a week straight. Almost like how I did when I got attacked by my heat. Is this the dark magic surrounding the forest that is making me feel this way?" I question worriedly, hoping it is the magic but then also having paranoia gnawing at me for fear of how powerful this magic could be, especially if it's captured the forest like this and is draining energy out of the living beings dwelling within it.

"Yes it is. Believe it or not but it's finishing slowly. The aura is hazy and magic wavering. I'm sure I can get rid of the remnants when we reach the gate. It'll only take a few seconds if it hasn't been dispelled already." He answers as I nod, leaning deeper into his body and finding comfort in the sparks although the heat from our bodies causing the temperature to rise and not in the good way.

"Exactly how long will it take for us to reach the gate?" Ezra pipes up from behind, him being quieter than usual since he hadn't spoken for the past hour.

"I'd say another forty five minutes to an hour. It depends on how much we pick up pace." Malleus clarifies as I try not to wallow in my own sulky thoughts at the mere idea that we'll have to walk for longer and that too till we reach the gate to the realms, we'll have to walk farther still when we reach my own realm and pass through the other packs to make it back to Fenrir.

Somewhere in our journey to make it to the inconspicuous gate, I manage to find the sheer willpower to carry on, walking faster than I was previously so that we can make it in the forty five minutes that my mate said we could. Leaning against Malleus somehow rejuvenated me and made me motor on as well, regardless of the fact that it was weird to hike through wooded grounds that had it out to get whoever dared venture into the woodland to trip over. Before I know it, Malleus is coming to a halt, followed by me pausing as the rest of the group behind us goes stationary too. Scanning our surroundings, I try to bring my wolf forward so that I can peer through the normal looking trees, wanting to catch sight of the two that fuse together and make an archway, however, being completely concealed unless you don't know what you're looking for.

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