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Fie Wrights P. O. V

Raising one foot into the air, I being to propel my body forward and get ready to throw myself into the midst of it all. My brow furrowed in anticipation just as a loud yelp echoes throughout the large courtyard, each spectator following the opposite of my movements as they retreat further behind since they don't want to get tangled up in whatever mess is going on.

Standing on my tiptoes, I go to jump but a rough tugging sensation has me tripping backwards as I throw my head to the side to eye the taut fist which is currently clamped onto my long-sleeved covered arm. Trailing my eyes from the hand, I follow the path with a raised brow, already knowing who the hand belongs to yet wondering why the person is stopping me.

"Let him get his ass kicked." The voice whispers into my ear just as Malleus tugs me back into the cage of his arms till my back touches his front. Another sound of pain reaches my ears while a cacophony of 'oh's' echo around the place. I can't help but to cringe as even Malleus grimaces at the sight before us.

"Rui will lose her shit if she sees this Malleus. You know this as well as I do." I murmur, scooting back since I know a body will be thrown our way at any moment. My mate catches on as he motions for the surrounding crowd to follow our movements, and not even a few seconds later does a blurred body miss us by inches.

"Easy there, Apollo," Malleus voices out while I let out a sigh. At least he's speaking up now. I'm worried about Rui. I mean, of course, she is very obedient when it comes to listening to her King, but I think anyone will rip the person to shreds when it comes to their mate getting the living shit being beaten out of them.

"You'll hit the crowd if you keep throwing him this way. Aim towards the right." Malleus continues as a scoff of disbelief leaves my lips.

I will smack this man silly if he doesn't stop this in the next second.

"Ezra." I call out wearily, eyeing the man a few feet away from me as he pushes himself up onto his knees, waving a hand in the air to cut me off.

"I can handle him." Ezra calls out in a hoarse voice, my gaze flicking from Ezra's pitying form and over to Apollo, who hasn't even broken out into a sweat.

He is the Director General to Rui after all, so I'm sure he's as trained in war tactics and battles as much as Rui. This also won't end well for him, since Rui will undoubtedly be beating some sense into her junior.

"She'll be back soon, you know." I say, my voice reaching both Malleus and Ezra, the latter tensing but then waving me off entirely.

"It was Ezra's idea anyway, I think he'll be fine."

Another sigh escapes me as I bow my head low, the wince ever present on my face as my cousin gets thrashed about here and there. I know Ezra wanted to... train for a lack of a better word and persisted in doing his best to nag the incredibly intimidating man also known as Rui's first in command and Asha's towering mate. The man had the curtesy to say no multiple times and even seemed rather shy while denying my cousin but at long last; he gave into Ezra's whines, which ended up in the poor man getting the daylights being beaten out of him. I get the fact that Ezra want's to prove something to his mate even though she hasn't shown any signs of wanting anything of the sorts but I guess he wants to show her he too is capable of putting up a good fight. Although what everyone is seeing in front of their own very eyes, signifies the exact opposite.

"I think this verges on the borderline of cruelty. Maybe even animal abuse." I mutter thoughtfully, catching the tremors which Ezra tries to hold back since the sparring rules were laid down to only involve fists and not claws or other werewolf traits. A mere dual between the human side of us, rather boring actually but nonetheless, a painful sight to see considering Ezra's face is being beaten to a bloody pulp.

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