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King Malleus' P. O. V

I will not lie when I say that nerves did consume me the day up until I met my mate's parents. The greetings we shared weren't all that amazing considering how I met each member of her family, her great aunt Edna in particular still makes me wince each time I think of her. Ezra's mental image of the woman not helping me in the slightest either rather making it worse. I dread the day I have to step foot into that pack to meet her family again.

The mental nudge from my Wolf makes it all too clear that I don't necessarily have to go to my mate's previous pack in order to meet her family. Especially considering the rag and tag group are already on their way for the ceremony tomorrow.

One more thing for my mate to both love and hate me for. The love part obviously being that she'll get a chance to see her parents again and they can even stay here for as long as they wait. The hate part more so directed towards the fact that Fie will be Queen and legally be seen as my mate for all the realm. The rush and hubbub of it all making everyone involved in the ceremony to cringe out of the difficulty of it all.

"Do you know how embarrassing it was for my wolf and I to maul your stupid cousin in front of your parents? Oh God. They probably think I'm a barbarian. One day? One freaking day? That's all I get to prepare for this flipping ceremony? I can't work so much in such less time. That's it. I'm going to have a heart attack and die. That's my only option-, Did you just growl at me?"

My curled upper lips goes back into its normal position, stopping both the snarl and the growl that tore through the room at the mention of Fie's death. She's not dying nor will she ever. Not on my watch.

"I'm not going to ask you to calm down because I've learned my lesson." I say in an even voice, grasping my mate by her tiny shoulders and pushing her into me so that my whole body can swallow her up completely.

The Wolf in me preens while surreptitiously sending the black ball of fur on the bed a haughty look. The big bad Wolf jealous of a mere kitten.

I'd buff in annoyance if the stupid Wolf wasn't a part of me.

"My parents already love you. If they don't, who cares? Not me. I'll tell them they have to deal with it. Anyways, hardly anyone likes their in-laws. We work through it like always." I place a soft kiss on her forehead before continuing on, enjoying the way she calms down so easy underneath my touch.

"As for the ceremony, you technically have two days. All you have to do is pick out what you'd want to have as decorations and what not. I've already picked out my options and they'll cross run it with yours. The dress is half ready considering you picked out the fabric ages ago and gave them the base design so all that's left is to do the last few fittings. You've got this." I coo in her ear as she finally nods.

"I'm still going to chew you out for this later on." Fie assures me while I nod my head, enjoying the warmth. Unfortunately I can't enjoy having my mate too close to me considering the pent up emotions in both me and my Wolf. The whole thing causing my thoughts to go down another path I'd rather not trek down at the moment.

Pulling back from my mate, I awkwardly clear my thoughts while simultaneously trying to refrain from acting on my urges. We've got time. I'm sure this time by Friday, I'll be happily mated with Fie by my side as Queen.

Just have to push through everything till after the ceremony. I'm a king. This should be the easiest thing to handle. Then why is it so damn hard?

"I guess I should go see your parents now. I managed to run away after lunch but I need to sit down and properly talk with them." She talks to herself more than me but I nod along.

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