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Fie Wright's P. O. V

Among the lack of various food on this trip, there seems to be another difficulty I hadn't thought of. That would be the lack of showers and toiletry facilities that the great outdoors brings to us and more specifically me. Granted I did bring a copious amount of tissue with me, that didn't seem to do much when it came to taking a shower since we weren't all that close to any running water large enough to take a dip in.

Nonetheless, I manage to power on through another day of covering ground as we sit down around our second campfire, chomping down on what other animal the warriors seemed to hunt down so that we could all dig in. As long as no rats are any other rodent of the sort is being roasted, my stomach didn't seem to have any qualms regarding it.

"We only have one more days journey. Then we'll be there by that days afternoon. Let's just hope all this travelling isn't in vain." Marcus' last words come out in a mere mutter and I'm sure he wasn't intending for the rest of us to here it but, albeit, we do even though no one mentions it.

I'm not going to pretend like the thought itself hasn't crossed my own mind but for some reason- maybe the naiver part of me that still believes in miracles- I still think it will all go according to plan. The outline in my head is incredibly vague but once we pass into this weird realm that I've heard little about, we'll travel a little further till we reach the main point where the king's palace resides. From there, we'll seek an audience with the King. Maybe Marcus can speak some truth and sense into the reigning man and from there, he'll let us traverse back to the pack with mage in hand who will quite literally work their magic when we get back home within less than a week. Who knows, Tyrell might even be a gracious host and send us back with the mage for a safe journey.

That is if Aria is in better condition and not deteriorating for the worst.

"I know you all ignored my previous question, but no WiFi right?" Ezra interrupts their silence of everyone feasting on their food while Marcus sighs at his son's words before shaking his head.

"No. Definitely no WiFi. But then again, they might have had huge technological development and it could be more advance than us over here." Even as he says it, his words come off sarcastic but it doesn't seem to penetrate through his son who waves a hand in dismissal.

"Na. We're all creatures of habit. If it is how you say it is, I won't be surprised if we walk back into the eighteenth century. You know, during the Middle Ages." Ezra speaks as my lips parts before I clamp down on them.

Why even bother?

"That is true. The only fast paced creatures are human's and we've benefitted from them. Nonetheless, don't expect too much." Marcus says, even he seems to not bother with Ezra while I turn to him, eyes gleaming with interest at the brought about topic. I think it's safe to say that I can scrounge around for information now.

"You mentioned that this realm is difficult to find and that not many have crossed into it. Why is that? Wouldn't it be massive confusion going from such a backwards realm into this one?" My questions are many and seemingly complex as Marcus leans back for comfort, eyebrows raised high as he thinks over his words.

If he asks about the boatload of questions that I have still to ask, I'll base it on me wanting to learn knowledge as part of my advisory duties than play it off as my mere curiosity. That might help to paint me in a better light. Especially with Marcus.

"Well, for starters, it is indeed difficult to find if you have no idea where you're going. You could miss it if you don't look close enough and it's because you can't tell when you've reached the gateway from this realm to the other realm because there isn't any big sign that says we're here. It's sort of an invisible layer that you have to pass through. It makes sense when you see it and experience it in person." I guess that's another thing that I won't get fully explained to me 'until I see it for myself.'

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