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King Malleus' P. O. V

"Cheer up! Where else would you get to have a chance of having a boys trip like this." An incessant nagging continues to ensue around the otherwise tranquil forest. The sound like an annoying discomfort to my ear such as a buzzing from a fly that won't simply fuck off.

That is how I could only describe my mate's cousin, Ezra being the focal point of where all my anger is currently directed to. I was so close to having a nice peaceful trip with the possibility of having a nice stress relieving fight with heads being ripped off and arms dislocated from witches' bodies.

Now even the thought of shredding people to pieces isn't enough to put me in a good mood, considering the fact the man I despise most in this world is currently walking beside me.

"You know Kier, you and I should bond a bit. Have our own sort of bromance going on considering the fact that I'm seeing your sister." The annoying sound continues to drawl on while a silent Kier continues to walk with the same monotonous pace he's being walking with for the better half of a day. His only acknowledgement of him being mentally present with us, a subtle side glance thrown at his sisters's mate.

I don't know the man all that well, but a glance from Kier means certain death. At least it won't be me who will end up having Ezra's blood on my hands.

Ugh, but if I don't stop Kier from killing Ezra, then Fie will be made at me for not having stopped her cousin being killed in cold blood.

"Are you pouting?" A nosy Ezra questions, stepping into my way just as I try to step over a gnarled root. His only answer is my hand shoving him away, causing him to trip a few good steps and nearly falling face first into a pile of thorns if it wasn't for Apollo clamping a hand onto Ezra's puny shoulder.

I could snap that runt in half with my bare hands, but Fie wouldn't approve.

I miss Fie.

I miss Fie very, very much.

I wonder what she's doing right now? Probably in the same boat as me. Wondering what I'm doing.

Sending a subtle glance at the men besides me, I shift inconspicuously to the side, wanting to remain out of everyone's view as I let my wolf pull forward to lead us while I shift my own consciousness to a delightful thread in my head which sends shivers down my spine just thinking of who it is tethered to. The sparks ensue almost as if my mate is physically next to me, an unknown pent up tension escaping me as my shoulders loosen up, even my wolf letting out waves of joy at the thought of us being remotely close to us in any shape or form.

Following the almost invisible thread, my mind delves into crevices that feel like a second home to me now. My mind so encapsulated with the image of my mate that I can practically smell her scent of jasmines wafting up into the forest.

What irks me is the fact that the underlying scent is wrapped around the very plague himself, Ezra.

Focusing on the whereabouts of my mate, I block everything else out that could potentially be distracting such as the constant yammering of Ezra, trying my hardest to delve into Fie's mind.

A split second is all it takes, a certain image clouding my mind which causes me to lose my footing and nearly following Ezra's steps of falling face first into the ground to eat a mouthful of mud.

"My King, are you alright?" Apollo asks from beside me, his words hushed so no one else hears or gains attention to the fact I nearly made a fool of myself.

All I can manage is a curt nod, eyes trained ahead while I try not to ponder on the image in my mind.

Soft swirls of what one could easily mistake to be smoke rising up in plumes but actually being fog from a steamed up bathroom. Soft pink skin turning brighter from the hot water being in contact with my mate's supple body. Hands gliding down the entirety of her frame as she washes the soapy suds away. Lips parted- No.

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