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Fie Wright's P. O. V

"Do you think this is going to turn out alright?" Ezra asks in a hushed voice, his voice travelling through the quiet night, well a relatively quiet night as rain scatters down all around us, thunder rumbling in the background as lightning cascades from the heaven. Each bang louder than the next causing the man to jump up, a low cuss escaping his lips as he settles down beside me once more.

I let out a long withdrawn sigh, shrugging my shoulders while settling closer to the warmth of my cousin as he grunts, throwing an arm around me as I ponder over his question.

"Honestly," my voice gets cut off as another crash drowns out all the rest of the noise before silence reigns again, "I have no damn clue and what makes me angry about all of this is the stupid fact that Malleus is shutting me out to 'protect' me. What kind of absolute cliché bullshit is this?" I seethe angrily, huffing in protest while wrapping my arms tighter around myself.

Ezra hums in agreement, nodding his head before he removes his arm from my shoulder and leans against the rocky wall instead, shivering as the cold seeps through his thin cotton shirt. The entire time the both of us were sat here consisted of complaints and grumbles about our significant other's, especially when they were the same ones who had the not so bright idea of leaving us behind in a castle with nothing to do.

Ezra and I decided to fortify our fronts a little over an hour ago, practically sulking at our mate's words of denial to us trekking along. The rain being something both of us finding comfort in since a young age, Ezra and I went to the left wing of the castle that was rarely used if you don't count the continuous scurrying of maids running to and fro from one part of the castle and over to the other. In the left wing as we whined and moaned, we found a nice balcony that sheltered us from the rain and gave a great view of the night lights twinkling from the town below us and stretched far ahead, the pluming smoke getting quelled as they rise from the chimneys of the village, supper being cooked in hearths to fill little tummy's.

Little tummy's like mine that sadly aren't so little and currently making hungry whaling sounds which my beloved mate will catch onto at any moment.

The low walls of the castles edge here on the balcony also not helping our misery soaked states as the wind smacks face first into us. Ezra's cheeks and nose as rosy as ever but the both of us not giving up, much too stubborn to turn back to Rui and Malleus who had rather excellent points.

But why on Earth would we listen to people who know better and are only looking out for us? Obviously because that's not what we want.

The sound of faint footsteps entering the hall one away from us has Ezra and I sharing disgruntled expressions, already knowing it's Malleus coming to fetch us, or rather me before I catch a cold. I grumble deeper, sinking into my own embrace as I wrap my arms tighter around myself, waiting for my mate's appearance which doesn't keep me occupied for long. Malleus pops his head in through the partially open sliding door, a frown on his face as he catches sight of my huddled on the ground before his eyes trail to Ezra.

"Fie," Malleus begins and then reluctantly adding, "Ezra, both of you should come inside. Rui is looking for you. She said she wanted to discuss something the two of you mentioned before?" My eyes dart to Ezra, narrowing into slits as I pretty much glare a hole into his body, willing him to stay put and not abandon me as we throw our tantrums.

The glare doesn't seem to be doing an effective job because as soon as Rui is mentioned, all previous anger and pouty lips are forgotten as the man jumps to his feet, patting my head on the way before mentioning a quick thanks to Malleus as he runs away.

I bet it was something to do with sex. Rui plays a sly game I'll give her that.

Momentarily my own mind jumps to using sex as a coercion tactic but one glance at Malleus has not only my anger returning but it also has the sensible side of me riling in protest. I don't want to throw away something that's precious to the both of us in a game of manipulation.

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