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Fie Wright's P. O. V

The clinging of metal on porcelain fills the otherwise silent air. My eyes stayed fixated on my plate piled high with food which I would have usually devoured within minutes but alas this situation is nothing but unusual. Dining with the King who sits to my left at the head of the table while I sit adjacent to him and the rest of the rag tag group sitting scattered around the rather large table. Larger than necessary if I'm being honest.

I lift my eyes from my plate just in time to see Ezra open his mouth, almost like he's about to say something before his gaze actually flits around the table and assess the situation- being smart for once in his life- as he finally clamps his mouth shut and digs into his food once more. I try my best to not let the awkwardness get to me but my untouched food speaks volumes as everyone else eats like they haven't in days.

The rumbling in my own stomach has died down but that's not good enough for my mate besides me who eyes me out of the corner of his eye which is another thing I try to avoid desperately. Unfortunately the man doesn't seem to take the hint as he touches my arm for a split second so as to gain my attention. Unable to help myself, I give in and raise my eyes to lock with his only for him to do the obvious and motion for me to eat my food. My stare back is unwavering as I incline my own head towards his untouched plate.

The sigh I hear leaving Malleus' lips is short lived as he picks up his cutlery and adds his on din to the already loud clamour. I follow suit and soon enough am devouring my food like I haven't eaten in ages which to me, a few hours is exactly that.

The awkwardness doesn't seem to want to dissipate and my mind flashes back to painstakingly uncomfortable dinners with family members no one could stand but just inviting them out of common courtesy.

Trying my hardest not to fidget around, I shove a mouthful of food in my mouth and chew for longer than necessary, avoiding everyone's gaze.

"So...," Ezra speaks out, the first to crack while Marcus pauses his chewing and merely closes his eyes for a second. Probably asking for supernatural strength to save him.

"Yes?" The man besides me questions as his attention directly lands on Ezra who gulps and leans back in his chair, shaking his head in dismissal before grabbing his glass and downing the contents in one go. Malleus stares at him with a blank look on his face for a few more seconds before finally turning his gaze away and letting the poor boy breathe unrestricted.

"N-nothing." Ezra's murmurs more so to himself since everyone is already back to eating their food while he seems caught up in a daze.

"We all should get as much rest as possible. After eating, I guess we should hit the hay since we have to be up bright and early tomorrow. Except for you, of course, Ezra." Marcus announces to everyone at the table, earning Malleus' nod of agreement while Ezra seems to be too overjoyed merely by the fact that he won't have to wake up at the brink of dawn.

Wiping my mouth with the napkin besides me, I place it back down while I connect the mindlink between Ezra and I.

You do know we'll be seeing them off, right?

The mental groan echoing through the link is enough indicator that he'd rather do anything but that. The man's laziness getting in the way of everything remotely functional.

Who knows when we'll see them again. I reiterate to which I get a pondering gaze before a sharp nod of his head, in agreement with my words.

Ezra, I practically shout through my mindlink to which I see the man jump in fright, his drink in hand nearly sloshing over while he tries visibly to calm his heart rate. The glare he sends my way causes me to purse my lips as Ezra's annoyance leaks into his tone.

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