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Fie Wright's P. O. V

Warmth from the arm tightening around my waist grows cold for a second  while a grunt of bemusement follows sharply from my mate's lips. The grip on my torso slackening after Malleus held me in a possessive way from whatever threat he deemed to be potentially after me with the swinging of the door to the little patients room that's been set up. Even Alpha Tyrell loosens up his stance over his mate who still has a goofy smile across her face, the feature only widening at the sight that greets us.

My own forehead creases due to the rising of my eyebrows while the men in the room roll their eyes heavenwards at the jester in front of us.

I'm not surprised this is happening but it seems Malleus and Alpha Tyrell still have a while to catch up with the way certain people in the Pack work considering how they were caught off guard. By certain people, I mean one person in particular who would dare barge in uninvited and looking as ridiculous as one possibly could.

Shaggy brown hair and equally chocolaty brown eyes scan the room, smiling cheekily at everyone before his eyes land on the star of the evening also known as his beloved sister in law. Aria doesn't bat an eye at the kooky character in the room, not even flinching as a loud sound goes off that has me cringing, especially when the residue echoes in my ear like a bade case of tinnitus.

"Ezra! Can you no-," My slightly warped words, due to the constant ringing in my ears, gets cut off by another blaring hoot as Ezra interrupts me by placing the party blower in his mouth, the tacky foil uncurling itself to release another ear splitting noise that does wonders for our sensitive hearing.

"We're officially celebrating!" The overgrown toddler cheers boisterously, practically skipping to his Luna and embracing her in a hug under the watchful gaze of a peeved looking Tyrell, "I even got us all party hats." The miscellaneous objects stuffed into his back pockets overflowing as he reaches up and tugs at the plastic band digging into his neck, the top cardboard part decorated with various unicorns. Plucking the multiple hats stacked atop his own, he delicately lifts up Aria's hair while the woman watches on in quite amusement mixed in with childlike excitement as he places her very own party hat onto her head.

"Don't even think about it." Tyrell mutters to his brother who merely grins back at him evilly, brandishing another party hat identical to the one his mate wears. I can tell Tyrell is ready to beat the childishness out of his brother but one look at his mate, who stares back with flushed cheeks and an animated expression, has him grumbling profanities but nonetheless, depositing the silly party wear onto his head. By the time Ezra turns to me, I already find myself with my hand out, ready to wear the damned thing since I can't bare having my Luna getting any of her excitement squashed especially with her waking up and coming to the way she has.

"If he comes near me with that stupid contraption, I will decapitate him." Malleus hisses to me, trying to be quiet even though everyone in the room and probably even outside it, can hear him clear as day.

Turning to stare at him over my shoulder, I try my best to keep my gaze stern even while the elastic string edges it's way into my skin, "I am wearing it and so shall you," I try to say with finality in my tone although we both know the final decision rests entirely up to him. A huff later, Malleus extends his arm and snatches the cardboard hat from a smug Ezra, not even giving the man a second look as he plops it onto his head.

"I am only doing this because I know how much Aria means to you." Malleus tries to sound authoritative and commanding but not one person is exempt from looking downright ridiculous, the King of all wolves included. No matter how Kingly Malleus wants to appear what with his legs spread, arms crossed and head titled with his chin in the air, even he can't escape the comical aura that the bedazzled unicorn hat brings with it.

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