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Fie Wright's P. O. V

My head buried in my hands is what is pretty much keeping me floating and saving me from drowning. I like to think of myself as a decisive person whose planned ahead and knows what they're going to do when any sort of situation arises.

Never did those musings of mine cross over to the man standing in front of me. The man I'm not even daring to look at because of the swirling of emotions in my chest. Lowering my left hand, I rub absentmindedly at my chest right above where my heart is situated as I try my best to calm the headache raging on as if my brain is set on fire. A groan escapes me before I finally lift my head from my hands and stare out the door through which my mate walked out mere minutes ago.

I can't believe I have a mate.

A mate that's a royal, at that.

"Oh God. Why do I have to have this shit happening to me?" I think out loud.

My Luna is in danger and the only way she'll be able to get help is if I stay with the King. Stay with him in this weird realm that's transported back to the past without even proper electricity. My mind does flit back to me simply telling him no and that as an advisor he has to help us out. What kind of a King would he be if he turns his back on a helpless pack?

Nonetheless, the thought of me even failing at that and turning back to my pack empty handed only to watch my Luna sink further and further into bad health causes me to cringe at the mere thought.

Shaking my head, I stand up and walk over to the window once more as I gaze out of the window and stare at the well trimmed garden. Even the sight of nature in front of me doesn't register in front of my eyes as they see something else entirely different. An image of me turning my back at a chance for love and leaving my mate. I don't even know the man properly and already the idea causes my heart to race faster and a pang of pain to shoot from my heart, down to all my limbs as my wolf practically growls inside of me. Scratching and digging almost as if she's trying to claw herself from the inside out so that she can run over to her mate and claim the man so that he can't even walk without me clinging to him.

I never realised my wolf was the clingy type. I'd rather die first than admit that to anyone especially my mate of all people.

Shuffling back and forth, my eyes are still turned towards the window when all of a sudden noises from down the hall greet my ears. Turning towards the door, I brace myself just in case of an attack as the voices grow louder and louder. Shouting filtering through the walls as guards and others alike growl and snarl at the offenders. Taking a few steps back, I take a protective stance which entails my claws elongating, knees bent and hunched over ready to be on the defence.

"Let us in!" Comes an all too familiar voice causing my stance to drop almost immediately, head tilting to the side as I take in the actual words that are being thrown about right outside of my door instead of the tone that they are being conveyed in. Letting out a sigh, my feet slide over the floor as I down right run towards the door, not bothering to put up any such etiquette of acting all ladylike.

The door is yanked open before my fingertips can even reach the smooth brass door handle, the piece of wood flying towards my way causes me to take a quick step back as a tense and disgruntled looking Ezra falls into the room. His wild floppy brown hair all messed up and sticking up on end like he's been electrocuted, brown eyes tense and wide as they dart around the room before finally landing where I actually am; right in front of him.

The man barely even blinks as he storms into the room with Marcus right behind him along with the other two warriors as they make themselves feel at home. Raising an eyebrow at Ezra's antics, I cross my arms over my chest since I already know this is going to be something so utterly typed and delirious.

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