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Fie Wright's P. O. V

The slow shivers cascading down my arms as tingles arise on the tips of my fingers. Every inch of where I'm wrapped up in my mate's hold comes to life as I snuggle further into his warmth. The man seems to have no objection as his arms tighten around me further, his one hand leaning my side to trail up over my body till it's gently cupping my cheek. The entire palm swallowing my face as I nuzzle into it, my face nudging him as he slowly starts to stroke the soft skin.

The complete one eighty is evident to both of us but I like how we're simply going with the flow and not questioning things.

At least I'm not.

Another round of thunder has me nearly jumping back but stopping in place as Malleus' arms encircle me fully, a disgruntled growl escaping his lips as thunder flashes all around us.

"We should head back inside." I mumble slowly to which his growl raises in annoyance just a tinge more.

"Okay." He hums before removing me from his warm embrace. I have to physically hold myself back from grabbing ahold of him to resume our previous position but instead I settle for a nearly non existent pout as I step back.

The walk back to the inner folds of the castle is ten times more thrilling than the depressing walk I was traversing on my own back to my pack members. Instead the butterflies in my stomach that I get from being so near my mate causes me to nearly bounce on my toes and skip around like fae through a blooming meadow.

I try my best to ignore the raging desire of clinging onto my mate so that the both of us are at least sharing some sort of skin to skin contact. Sadly, the mere distance of a few inches between us isn't cutting it especially with how my own fingers twitch besides my sides due to the insane pull of our bond wanting us to lay our hands on each other like our lives depended on it.

The walking helps to deter my fidgeting but in the end, my wolf wins my internal battle and I decide to just shoot in the dark.

What's the worst that could happen?

Deciding to give it a go, I sidle closer to him and while still staring ahead, I besides me to wrap a hand around his bulging bicep. The sensation of frenzied tingles spark to life but settle down into a calm buzz. I try my hardest to keep my smile in control but it just about manages to break free and tugs at my lips when his fast paced movements slow down so that we're walking in sync and I can leisurely hold onto his arm without swinging from it like a monkey on a high up tree branch.

The next obstacle I have to face is the certain look in peoples eyes as they all stare at us with both dumbfounded yet intrigued expressions. I'm guessing this is something I should definitely feel used to considering the fact of who my mate is.

Yes I'm going to keep reminding myself that my mate is the King. It's the only thought that keeps evading me and makes all of this seem like a far away dream than it already is. Especially with the added fact that I'm going to be Queen.

Oh my.

That still hasn't settled in properly.

"Where are we going?" I ask him quietly but he doesn't seem to have any problem with hearing what I have to say as he nods his head in the direction of where we're going.

"We'll go back to our room so that you can rest for a few hours. Freshen up," he stops himself mid way as he assesses my state of being covered in that same old grime of travel along with my haystack of a hairstyle due to the roughage and rain my hair has been subjected to. That doesn't seem to deter the man as his hand reaches up to stroke at my cheek, the soothing caress sending me to cloud nine as I have to battle each and every part of myself to not close my eyes at the sensation. "-After that you and your pack members can have dinner and we'll further discuss what will happen." He completes as I nod my head, completely fazed.

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