Love Drunk

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Fie Wright's P. O. V

"Come 'ere big boy and give mama some sweet loving," I slur out, trying to kiss the taller than ever man as I stand on my tiptoes to place a big sloppy kiss on his lips.

"I know you want me." I continue but stop momentarily with a frown as he tilts his head up and away from my pouting lips. Not liking the distance between my lips and his, I take a few steps back and try to get a head start with a fast sprint. Malleus stands stock still and doesn't even try to move as I stumble over my own bare feet but manage to right myself at the last moment and then lunge myself at him. No movements are made from his side again as I start to climb up his body, my legs wrapped around his lower legs as I try to hoist myself upwards.

"You're going to hurt yourself Fie." Malleus tuts as he deftly unwinds my limbs curling around him like an infant around its monkey mother. I barely register what he's doing and before I know it, my body bounces against the cushiony surface of the mattress to my bed.

"Kinky." I say with a mischievous grin while I try to settle my body into a seductive pose. "M-," I cut myself off and spit out the hair in my mouth, getting rid of the many strands that are hanging in front of my face. With the obstruction now away and not obscuring my vision, the sight of a smirking Malleus greets me causing me to drop back down onto the bed as I fan myself.

"Come to mama." I say with a toothy grin, a wolf whistle leaving my lips while Malleus sighs and turns around, heading in the direction of my dresser where I presume he's getting my pyjamas.

Oooh. Is he going to undress me?

"You have been referring to yourself as 'mama' too much. Please don't tell me you have a mommy kink." He mumbles the last few words but I just about catch them and let out a derisive snort.

"No but if you want; I can call you daddy." My voice this time tries to come out a little heavier and husky to speak in that way I've heard some women do on television when they do dirty talk, instead I sound like I'm imitating a man. Nonetheless, Malleus stumbles a bit and nearly drops the clothes on the floor. He avoids eye contact with me and mutters an almost unidentifiable, 'fuck me.'

"Gladly. I'm right here for you to take." I say with a gleeful smile, throwing myself back onto the bed with my arms above my head and my dress clad legs open as an offering.

"Yes I'd rather not assault a woman right now." He grumbles under his breath smile hesitantly nearing a pouty me.

"But I'm saying yes baby." I coo to the man who motions for me to sit up and lift my arms. I follow his request and watch as he realises I'm wearing a dress that can't be shrugged off over my shoulders.

"Right now yes doesn't mean yes Fie. I know that even as your mate," he says with a sigh before hoisting me up and onto my shaky legs as he unzips my dress. I let the fabric drop to the ground, almost begging the man to take a look but his eyes stay focused on mine as he tugs the shirt over my head and then bending down while solely looking at the fabric of the loose bottoms in his hand.

"Would you like it if I go commando next time?" I lean down and whisper the words, licking the shell of his ear and giving him a subtle bite. I smirk in victory when he jumps up quickly and looks away with blushing cheeks.

"Get in bed Fie. I'll go get you a glass of water and some medicine in case you have a headache tomorrow. I'll make your dad or mom stay with you for a bit so they can look after you till you fall asleep." He says and tries to leave but I latch on to him.

"B-but I want you to stay with me." I mumble while hugging his arm to my chest. Malleus lets out another sigh as he bends down and tucks the sheets around me, placing a soft lingering kiss on my forehead.

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