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Fie Wright's P. O. V

"You sure you're going to be alright with Ezra?" I question my mate. The man in question stands in front of me with his arms crossed over his snug black t- shirt that clings nicely to his chest. The sight incredibly distracting as his biceps tense and flex with every move he makes while his face remains impassive.

I should say, it looks impassive to everyone else and even though Malleus is trying to hide his expression from me, the man is my mate after all and I can read his features like my favourite kindergarten book. The subtle shape of his lips pulling down at the corners even though they twitch slightly which is him trying to remain straight faced, the skin in between his sharp eyebrows taut and slightly pulling together, almost creating a frown that darkens his features.

To some he probably looks stern or even down right scary depending on how you look at him but to me he looks like a pouting sulky child that is only a few seconds away from laying on the ground and throwing a tantrum by wailing loudly and kicking their feet up into the air.

"I would rather be off doing anything that is not related to your cousin even if it involves me gouging my eyes out. I'd rather enjoy torturing myself slowly to death than spending another second with your God awful irrit-,"

"Hello best friend!" Shouts the one voice that I'm sure Malleus could do without hearing that not so angelic voice being blasted right next to his ear. The owner of the voice joins us not even a moment later as Ezra appears with a shit eating grin on his face and mischief twinkling in his bright brown eyes.

He knows how miserable this is making Malleus and anyone with eyes can see that he's absolutely enjoying the entire thing as if his favourite television show was having an all day marathon.

"I want you to spend some overdue time with your friend and Luna but could you possibly take this brat with you. I'm sure Ezra would like to spend some time with his sister in law." Malleus practically pleads to me. I'm sure he's hoping for me to fall weak at the act but I merely grin in amusement before dismissing his words with a shake of my head.

"I know you'd rather be doing literally anything but hanging out with Ezra, however, I need to clear some things out with Luna Aria. Besides even if I don't show up, she'll come searching for me and be ticked off. Either way, Ezra isn't invited nor is he welcome so all I can say to you is; good luck with shaking Ezra off of your tail and I promise I'll be back before you know it." Not giving myself a chance to actually fall weak at Malleus' puppy dog eyes, I turn my back on the both of the now squabbling adults and head for the huge main door that belongs to the pack house.

"Any body home?" I ask aloud jokingly as ten pairs of eyes turn my way with raised brows and blank stares. No one liking my joke nor finding it funny.

"Tough crowd." I mumble before shaking the teenagers eyes off of me and asking them if they've seen the Luna anywhere. Each and every person in the room points to the staircase that leads up further to the different sections of the house and I'm guessing the Luna is in her private chambers. I manage to shout out a thanks in their direction as I make my way upstairs but I can practically hear each person dismissing me as they turn their attention back to the Netflix show blaring from the television. Not another care in the world.

That could be me, I think wistfully.

Heck, that was me everyday till a few weeks ago when I found my mate. I haven't got much time for catching up on my shows ever since I stepped foot into that castle.

Hey, maybe this time I could involve some chilling with Malleus while watching Netflix.

Okay no. Focus! I'm here to talk to the Luna. Not fantasise about my could be sex life with my hunk of a mate. I can already feel my thoughts drifting back to Malleus and his overwhelmingly good looking self and that simply makes me hurry further in the direction of where Aria is.

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