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Fie Wright's P. O. V

Rustling of paper, the flick of a page as I flip through the long dreary book on the desk in front of me. Each letter faded and the paper it rests on yellowed and frayed at the edges. Stains scattered left and right while I try not to cringe as I skirt around the rather questionable smattering of blemishes.

With a weary sigh, I keep on reading, going over numerous laws passed and Bills still meandering between being void and coming to life. Each and every word being absorbed as I try to relay the scripture between what it intended and what we're going to be using it for once Malleus enters into the other Realm.

I mean he is the King, it's quite clear he's allowed to check over his subjects in an entirely different Realm since his subjects reside there. Just in case the matter lies in the contrary, I'd like to show just a bit of prowess and come prepared, ready to defend my King not only as his mate but also as his advisor.

Rubbing at my eyes not so much as for being tired, more like to stop myself from going to sleep at the boring words, I reach out in front of me and grasp onto the cool porcelain mug, bringing it closer to me as I take a sip of my sustenance in the form of tea. My weary sigh turning to a somewhat delighted on as I raise my eyes and latch onto the drizzling atmosphere outside. Finishing off the last of my tea, I place my mug back down and focus back on the task in front of me, one hand going up to massage my temples while the other continues to flick through the pages.

Too consumed in my thoughts and task, I barely realise what's happening around me until a scream resonates across the vast building, my body jumping up in fright and twisting towards the source of the commotion only to realise I'm the one screaming and that something just attacked me.

"You should've seen your face!" Comes an all too irritatingly familiar voice, my teeth grating against each other while my eyes narrow into slits, a growl passing through my lips while I focus my eyes on Ezra, the man laughing his head off and looking completely bonkers.

"You. Attacked. Me." Each word harsher than the next, my voice coming out guttural which he doesn't seem to notice as he wipes tears out of the corner of his eyes.

"Attacked is putting too much emphasis, I merely poked you." Ezra says cavalierly, the stinging in the right side of my torso defying his words.

"I swear to all that is holy, I-," my threat gets cut off as the once shut door now slams open, Ezra and I both jumping back in shock while cringing at the overly loud sound that has my ears ringing.

My shock turns into sheepishness as a flurry of guards storm into the room, each more frightening than the next as they scan the room, crouched in the defence and ready to attack at a moments notice. No one can get a word in edge ways as the guards realise there is no threat and erect themselves, eyes still on alert as they look this way and that.

"Sorry about that." I reply albeit timidly, not liking the fact that some guards nearly tripped head over heels in worry to come get to me.

"Sorry about wh-," Thankfully this time Ezra gets cut off as a growl runs down the hallway and to where this room is located, my sheepish expression dropping as I cross my arms, waiting for my overly dramatic mate to barge in like he did not even a week ago.


"That's me." Comes my reply to a more animalistic than human Malleus as he seethes his way into the room, each threatening stomp like a metaphorical nail in my cousins coffin getting signed, sealed and delivered to his young death.

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