Steven's Lion Part 1

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Sorry for the lack of writing! I got sidetracked from christmas. Part 2 will be up tommorow.

The Gems and Steven are walking along in the desert. Steven seems to be crawling across the ground, even though he is mostly fine.

Rose: "Are you sure you're alright Steven?"

Steven: "Yes this is just how your supposed to act.. in the desert."

Rose: "Hmm.. Alright."

Rose begins crawling with him across the sand. Amethyst starts laughing behind Pearl and Garnet.

Pearl: "Rose are you sure you want to do that? We still have to find whatever is causing these sand walls, they are just creating things out of control! Walls that block nothing, and stairs that lead to nowhere!"

Rose: "Alright. I think I see it up ahead. Steven why dont you stay here until we get it done alright?"

Steven: "But I wanna come too! What if something eats me out here alone???"

Garnet: "There's nothing out here that can you hurt you Steven."

Rose: "We will be right back, I promise."

A minute later, Steven is behind a pillar using the shade to cool himself down a little when he notices a weird animal looking figure near him.

Steven: "Huh?"

It starts slowly walking over to him. He runs over to a sand pillar and hides behind it."

Steven: "Good thing this pillar was here."

As he says that, the pillar collapses and a wall forms behind him. The animal starts slowly approaching him.

Steven: "No!"

Close up Steven sees that its a pink looking Lion. it promptly sits down and yawns.

Steven tries to pet it but is hesitant thinking it might bite him. He pets it a little with no reaction.

Steven: "Aww you just wanted attention!"

Steven starts petting it more around it mane.

Steven: "Your mane is so soft. I always thought I would get an animal, but I thought it would be a goldfish, or a dinosaur! But fate had other plans for Steven Universe, and his best friend Lion."

A soft explosion happens a bit near the gems direction, the pillars and other walls collapse as the gems walk back.

Pearl: "Amethyst I told you we need to bubble that!"

Amethyst: "Quit being jealous, my kill, my keep."

Pearl: "I'm not jealous. If it falls down it will rebuild everything!"

Steven: "Oh the gems are coming! Quick put my head in your mouth-"

Pearl: "Steven! What is that thing? What are you... doing?"

A second of silence when Pearl looks over to Rose as she is in shock.

Pearl: "Rose?"

Rose walks over to the lion and starts petting it.

Rose: "I'd never thought I would see this guy again..."

Steven: "You know this lion Mom?"

Rose: "Yes. A long time ago I met this guy and he went along with us. But one day about 300 years ago he just disappeared. It seems you have the same bond with him as I do."

Steven: "Whoa..."

Pearl: "I don't remember you having a lion though Rose."

Rose: "The lion was more of a visit. I visited him whenever I'm feeling down about something. I didn't bring anyone else along."

Garnet: "Let's start heading home. It will probably come with us."

Later at about 8:00 pm at the Temple. Lion has sat down on Stevens bed. Refusing to get off. Steven tries to push him off to no avail. Pearl walks in from her room.

Pearl: "Steven have you seen Rose? I cant find her anywhere."

Steven: "Not from what I've seen. Earlier after this mission I last saw her near the kitchen."

Pearl: "Hmm.. alright thank you, try to head to bed alright?"

Pearl walks back into her room.

Steven: "Lion please move! I have to sleep there."

Steven: "Ugh.."

Steven leans againsed Lion with his hand. And suddenly his arm phases through Lion's mane!

Steven: "Huh???"

Steven tries to put more of himself into lions mane to see what it is. He finally pops into the land in Lions mane.

He looks around, mostly fur and he tried to breathe in, which he cant. He quickly leaves and takes another breath in.

He goes out fully and sees an island. It has a flag and a shirt and other things on it. He also sees... Mom?

End of Part 1.

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