S1 End and Recap

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Hey all! Wow, this has gotten way more views than I EVER thought this would. I'll just have a list for this season's episodes that I didn't go over and why. I'll be doing the same thing for each season as this series goes on. Thank you so much for reading along.

Together Breakfast: I didn't feel like I could do much with this, I actually did half of it, but it didn't change much, and it just felt dull to me.

Frybo: Doesn't really change with rose being alive.

Serious Steven: Same as Together Breakfast, felt dull and didn't change too much.

Tiger Millionaire: Not too many changes with rose being alive.

Arcade Mania: Not too many changes.

So many birthdays: A super dramatic episode but again with rose being alive it wouldn't change much.

Lars and the cool kids/Onion trade/Lion 2: the movie/Beach party: All don't really change.

Joking Victim: Doesn't change much.

Steven and the Stevens: Didn't really feel like writing this one because all that would change is possibly some reactions from rose.

Monster Buddies: This one was kind of a hard choice, I feel like rose would help a lot, and honestly I would've done this episode, but the end wouldn't have changed much.

House guest: Doesn't change much.

Space Race: I was considering doing this one but decided to just not do it and push forward onto other episodes.

Secret Team: The whole purpose of the episode just doesn't happen because of rose being alive. She can just rebubble it.

Island Adventure/Keep Beach City Weird! Doesn't change much.

Fusion Cuisine: Was considering doing this but all that would happen is that rose is present to actually go there instead of alexandrite.

Garnet's Universe: Doesn't change.

Lion 3: Steven already knows of Lion's mane portal.

Future vision/On the run/Horror club/Winter Forecast/Maximum Capacity: All don't change much.

Rose's scabbard: Rose has her sword already.

The Message: This probably could've been an episode, but it all would go the exact same.

Political Power: Doesn't change much.

I consider Jailbreak to be the end of S1, the others I will go over when S2 ends.

But besides that, feel free to comment any questions! I'll try to answer all I can.

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