Cat Fingers

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Steven returns to the temple after helping Greg at the car wash, where they find Amethyst shapeshifting as a cat in the house.

Steven: "Whoa Amethyst! How did you do that???"

Amethyst: "You never heard about shapeshifting?"

Steven: "No, but do different animals! like... a Walrus!"

Amethyst: "Sure thing."

Amethyst shapeshifts into a Walrus, Imitating its sound. 

Steven: "I wanna learn how to shapeshift!"

Amethyst: "Wait wait wait, If you wanna learn shapeshifting you got to start with something small, like a cat. Think of what you wanna be and just... Get loose." As she says this, she shapeshifts back into the cat from before. "Now your turn."

Steven proceeds to try and shapeshift into a cat, but to little avail. "If you're not feeling it we can try again later Steve-" Meow. Steven looks at his pinky finger, It turned into a tiny cat!

Amethyst: "Dude. You should go show your mom that, she's gonna love it!"

Steven: "This is so cool! Hmm, but I don't know where Mom is right now, she isn't in her room and she's not at the temple with us. I'm gonna go show Dad."

Amethyst: "Oh right, Garnet, Rose and Pearl are on a mission right now."

Steven: "Why didn't they bring you or me?"

Amethyst: "I dunno, they left on their own without telling me first."

Later, near the Car Wash.

Steven: "Dad! Look what I can do!'

Steven reveals his cat finger to Greg.

Greg: "Whoa! is... is that a cat?"

Steven: "Yeah! I learned how to shapeshift things!"

Greg: "That's a thing you can do now? that's pretty... Cool."

Steven: "I'm gonna take this show on the road!"

Now back at the temple, after Steven walked around Beach City showing everyone his little cat friend.

Steven: "I wonder if I can make more of these guys..."

Steven accidently made 4 more cat fingers, his right arm having all of his fingers turned into different types of cats. Then Steven notices the gems near a boat next to the beach.

Rose: "Oh Steven there you are, we will be right back- Wait, Steven did you shapeshift those cats on your fingers?"

Pearl: "Since when could Steven shapeshift?"

Amethyst: "Ever since I taught him a little bit this morning."

Steven: "Yeah! I can kind of control it for now."

Garnet: "Rose, we have to go. This is a tectonic emergency."

Rose: "Steven, try to figure out how to get the cats off your fingers, having them uncontrolled for too long can have them go berserk. We will be right back I promise."

Steven: "Okay!"

Steven was sitting at the temple with his right arm still being mostly cat fingers.

Steven: "Ugh, I wish I could just get these to go away-" Meow.

Steven looks at his other arm, which his thumb has turned into a cat.

Steven: "Oh no. Stop!"

Steven starts washing his hands while trying to figure out a way to get rid of them, the water makes the cats shrink a little but they aren't going away. Another little thing of cats grow on his forehead.

Steven: "Water! That's it- I could go in the ocean but- Gasp. The Car Wash!"

Steven runs over to the car wash as fast as he can. He sees Greg doing some maintenance on the Car Wash. The cats get a bit worse.

Steven: "Dad!" Meow

Greg: "Steven! What- are you okay???"

Steven: "Sort of! The cats go away with water, I need you to turn on the car wash or something!"

Greg: "Okay... Let me turn the car wash power down, it should be enough where it doesn't hurt you as well, alright buddy?"

Steven: "Just go!"

The car wash turns on, although a bit slower then before, the cats start shrinking more and more as Steven becomes more of himself again.

Steven: "Its working!"

Greg runs over to Steven near the exit. "You okay buddy?"

Steven: "Yeah. You could say it would've been CATastrophic! Eh? Eh?"

Greg: "Haha, alright enough with the puns. I'm just glad your safe. Where are the other gems?"

Steven: "They are on a mission, they said they would be back soon."

Greg: "Alright, how about we get you back in bed then, its almost 10."

The next morning. Steven is near the beach and sees the gems coming back.

Steven: "Guys! What took you all so long?"

Rose: "The island we had to deal with swept us away a few times. as you can see the boat isn't exactly in good shape... we had to paddle back home again."

The boat's sail on top is snapped in half, along with parts of the  boat.

Rose: "Are your fingers alright? They don't seem like cats anymore."

Steven: "Yeah, turns out water gets rid of them!"

Amethyst: "I told you P, he would be fine."

Pearl: "I know, but we should've sent you back to help him out before."

Garnet: "That just means you should put a little more faith in Steven."

Steven: "Yeah, but I'm feeling much better meow!"

More cat puns from Steven later, the group heads back to the temple.

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