Mirror Gem

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Can't believe we're here already! 13 episodes in. I didn't think there would be too many episodes I wouldn't go over because rose being alive wouldn't change much. Sorry for the delay in uploading this. Coming up for how this would play out was interesting. Thank you so much for reading, even though there's not too many of you guys I didn't think this would even hit double digits lol. Anyway, here's the part I took a good chunk of time on. Should be the longest episode out of all 13 so far.

Steven is on the couch on a phone call with Connie.

Steven: "Aww, why not?"

Connie: "Steven I told you, I have tennis practice. Then mom wants to go out on a family dinner. But I will be able to hang out all day tomorrow!"

Steven: "Okay..."

Connie: "Oh! and I'll be able to hang out a lot more since summer vacation is out. No more school helps a lot."

Steven: "What's a school?"

Connie: "You've never been to a school? Okay... well its basically a place where to go to learn. "

Steven: "Hmm... Okay! I'll see you tomorrow!"

Steven hangs up. It cuts to Steven, Rose, and Pearl. Steven tried to explain to them what a school was, All of them being clueless try the best they can to replicate this "School". It is bunch of desks and a chalkboard all stacked into one pile.

Steven: "Hmm... Yup! It's all coming together!"

Pearl: "So when do we begin our "School"?

Steven: "Uh, I... Don't know, this is everything Connie told me! Why do I never ask follow-up questions???"

Steven: "Who will teach Steven now???"

Pearl: "Oh! Steven if you just wanted to learn things i have the perfect thing."

Pearl takes out a mirror from her gem.

Pearl: "We found this gem powered mirror at the galaxy warp. It can capture and display any event it has witnessed in all of gem history! It will offer you everything you ever wanted to know about us and gem culture."

Steven looked into the mirror and only saw himself through the reflection.

Steven: "I must be incredibly important to gem culture."

Rose: "Yes, but it looks in rough shape. Look at the gem on the back. It's cracked."

Pearl: "Well it hasn't been activated. Let me try."

Pearl: Ahem "Show us the galaxy warp."

Nothing happens.

Pearl: "Hmm you're right, it must finally be broken."

Steven: "Wait I have an idea!"

Steven takes his spit and puts it on the back.

Rose: "Steven wait!"

The gem on the back starts slowly repairing itself. It seems to be doing nothing.

Pearl: "Oh! Good thinking Steven! Let's try again shall we?"

Pearl: "Show us the galaxy warp."


Rose: "Hmm, it might be just fully broken on the inside. Good thinking Steven but I don't think this will work anymore."

Steven: "Can I keep it?"

Rose: "Of course."

Steven: "Yeah! We're gonna be beach summer fun buddies!"

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