Marble Madness

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Steven and Connie are on the beach together. Steven is covering his eyes.

Steven: "Can I look yet?"

Connie: "Yup."

Steven opens his eyes to see Connie giving him a book.

Steven: "Books!"

The book is called Unfamiliar Familiar and has a stylish cover.

Steven: "Whoa, Cool cover."

Connie: "It's my favorite series! It's about this girl named Lisa, and she's a witch. Well she doesn't know she's a witch at first. And she has a familiar which are sort of like this spirit companion that everyone in the world has, and hers is a talking falcon named Archimicarus. She goes on this quest to find her father after he's kidnapped by a mysterious one eyed man. 

Steven: "Whoa! Mystery!"

Connie: "Here! Let me get you started."

She opens the book to the 1st page. She begins reading out loud.

Connie: ""Chapter one: The Morning Thief. Lisa awoke with a start, the echoes of her dreams still dancing in her mind. The low rumble of thunder still murmured through the quiet house.""

A quiet rumble starts happening around them.

They look around before it stops.

Steven: "Whoa... This is a really good book."

Connie: (Trying to find where she was on the page) "Uh... Okay. "The house was deathly still. The only sound Lisa could hear was her own heartbeat pounding in her ears. The hairs on her neck tingled when suddenly-""


A large object slams into the ocean near the beach.

Steven: "What the-"

Both Steven and Connie get splashed with water from the impact.

Amethyst: "What was that?"

The gems run out from the house. Rose jumping in front of the two quickly.

A giant marble looking robotic have 8 tiny cones as feet come out of it as it starts walking forward.

Steven: "It's one of the marble robots!"

Garnet jumps in front of it and stops it with her gauntlets.

Garnet: "Now!"

Rose, Pearl, and Amethyst come from the sky and slam into it. Exploding it.

Steven and Connie were in a bubble and Steven gets rid of it. The rest of the gems are covered in goop.

Steven: "Are you okay?"

Connie: "I love hanging out at your place."

Steven: "Mom, Do you think this was-"

Rose: "One of Peridot's machines, yes. A bigger one too, This one is an XL."

Pearl: "We've never seen one this big before."

Amethyst (Completely covered in goop) "Or this gooey."

Pearl: "Amethyst, we need to be careful. We don't know what this stuff is."

Amethyst starts walking towards pearl with her arms out.

Pearl: "Oh, no. Don't you dare get that stuff on me!"

Amethyst: "Goop hug! Cmere Pearl!"

Connie: "Peridot. Is that the gem you told me about? The one that's trying to come to earth?"

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