Warp Tour

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Don't worry, the baby melon episode will appear later, I have some ideas for it. Also, sorry for not uploading this sooner! School has caught up, and I haven't had free time to write this sooner. Thank you so much.

The gems are in a large flower field, talking about the battle they just had with a gem monster.

Pearl: "I can't believe that went so well!"

Amethyst: "Did you see the way your spear and Roses sword took it out instantly like POOF."

Pearl: "And the way you were circling around it, almost looked like strategy."

Rose: "Either way you all did wonderfully."

Steven cones out from the giant patch of flowers following Garnet. The pollen has made him look super allergic.

Rose: "Are you alright Steven?"

Steven: "Yeah I- Sniff Just have some uh- Ah-choo! Pollen on me."

Garnet: "He'll be fine."

Pearl: "Oh Steven, you're supposed to sneeze into your Antecubital Fossa."

Steven: "My what?"

Pearl: "Ugh, This thing?" Pearl points to her elbow.

The gems warp off.

Mid-warp Steven is about to sneeze again.

Amethyst: "Do it at Pearl!"

Pearl: "Steven! Your Fossa!"

Steven: Ach-oo! 

Steven's sneeze launches himself upward and his head slowly sticks out of the warp stream.

He starts looking out into the almost space-like world with lightning everywhere. 

Steven: "Whoa..."

Steven notices another warp stream in the distance. A small ball figure appears going through it.

Steven: "Huh?"

Steven gets pulled back into the warp stream by Rose.

Rose: "Careful!"

Pearl: "It's dangerous to stick your head out of the warp stream!"

Garnet: "There's not much air, and it's very cold."

Garnet proceeds to flick away the now frozen snot coming from his nose.

Steven: "You guys! I saw something out there?"

Rose: "Hm?"

Steven: "Something warping!"

Pearl: "Steven, that's not possible. Is your vision blurry from the pollen?"

Steven: "I can see perfectly... Mom?" as Steven squints his eyes at Pearl. "I know there's something out there!"

Rose: "Steven, no one but us can use the warp pads."

Garnet: "And no one else could for a long, long time."

It cuts to Steven in bed, late at night. Still watching the warp pad.

Amethyst comes out of nowhere and starts eating out of the fridge. It startles Steven for a second.

Steven: "Amethyst!"

Amethyst: "Oh hey! Want some macaroni cheese?"

Steven: "Uh, no I'm good. I just can't sleep."

Amethyst: "Why? Are you still scared of that thing you saw warping right into the house and attacking you while you sleep?"

Steven: "...No."

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