Free Gem

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Steven: "I'm grounded?"

Pearl: "Yes you're grounded."

Garnet: "You disobeyed an order."

Amethyst, armed with a shovel: "Now we're gonna bury you until you learned your lesson."

Rose, now putting down the shovel from Amethyst's hands: "But maybe not that way."

Steven: "Phew."

Rose: "But we wont let you watch TV for a few weeks."

Steven: "Nooo!"

Pearl: "Sorry Steven but what you did was dangerous, that kind of gem could cause so much damage."

Later that afternoon.

Rose: "Steven we're gonna go on a mission. It might take a bit."

Garnet: "Don't forget your still grounded."

Amethyst: "Seeya laterrrrr!"

The gems warp off.

Steven: "Ugh... Being grounded sucks."

Steven walks around his room while thinking of things to do.

Steven: "I mean I guess its not too bad. I just wished I could do something to pass time."

Suddenly, Steven's gem starts glowing! The door to the temple lights up and opens.

Steven: "Whoa!... I'm still grounded but they said they would be gone for a bit so..."

Steven: "Super Steven Stealth mode!"

Steven sneakily walks past everything while acting like a ninja going into the room, even though no-one is here to catch him.

Steven enters the room as the door closes behind him.

Steven: "Alright, so we got to keep it simple because last time I was here that was a disaster."

Steven: "Oh! I have an idea!"

Steven: "Room, I want to play some of my new video game on my tv."

A TV and a game console with a controller appear infront of him.

Steven: "Ahaha! Yes!"

Steven spends a few hours in the room playing his video game when he starts getting tired.

Steven: "Hmm I wonder what else is in the room? I guess I never really explored this place besides last time."

Steven: "Room, show me somewhere new."

A more red door appears infront of him. He walks into it."

Steven: "Whoa cool!"

Steven starts wandering around and sees a tiny pool of lava in the center.

Steven: "Lava? That's weird..."

Steven looks up and sees hundreds of bubbles with gems inside of them.

Steven: "Oh my gosh! When did all of these get here?"

Steven: "Wait... Lapis?"

Steven sees the bubble with Lapis's gem in it low to the ground. Steven takes it but thinks for a moment.

Steven starts hesitating. 

Steven: "The gems said you were dangerous... but you didn't hurt me... I just need you to understand."

Steven pops the bubble.

Lapis's gem glows up and reforms lapis back.

Lapis: "Ugh... What? Steven?"

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