Steven's Lion Part 2

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Rose hasn't noticed Steven, as she was going through her now refound things.

Steven: (Hmmm, I cant be in there for too long without air. I'll try getting her attention and to come out.)

Steven goes into Lion's Mane with a big breath and starts walking up while waving his arms.

Rose turns over and jumps as first, before realizing its Steven.

Rose:  "Steven??? Oh stars, I didnt know you were here. Or how you got here. Guess you found Lion's Mane too. It's beautiful, isnt it?"

She looks down at Steven about to leave and waving her outside. She promptly follows.

Steven: GASP "Mom I cant breathe in there. Also what was all that stuff in there?"

Rose: "Alot of things, but nothing too important, I didnt know there was no air in there, well you and me are the only ones who can access it so I could never figure that out until now."

Steven: "Alright, do you know how to get Lion off my bed? Or like tell them what to do?"

Rose: "Sometimes, but its not consistant. Let me try."

She whistles over lion, which it just turns over on its back.

Steven: "I can just sleep next to him. Bed can barely fit both me and him."

Rose: "Good night Steven."

Later at night, Steven is sleeping whem hes suddenly woken up in a pink fluffy world, which he quickly realizes is Lion's mane. He gets himself out quickly though.

Steven: "Lion! My face is not your bed! Why do you want me in your mane so much?"

Lions sits infront of him in a way where he can easily go in again.

Steven: "Alright Lion, lets see what you want me to find."

Steven enters Lion's mane again. He walks around more onto the Island and notices a locked chest which he cant open, and a tape ontop of it. He grabs it and runs back before he runs out of breath.

Steven: "A tape... Wait for me? It says my name on the side of it."

Steven puts it in his tv and turns it on.

The tape shows Greg in his early 20's with a guitar, sleeping with a seagull on him.

Rose: "Greg made a friend." While giggling a little.

It cuts to the beach.

Greg was imitating a crab on the beach.

Rose chuckles a little. "What are you doing?"

Another cut to Beach City.

Greg was getting some fries and got swarmed by seagulls.

Greg: "I'm ok! My fries arent though."

It cuts again to the temple and Rose infront.

Rose: "Isn't it remarkable Steven? This world is full of so many beautiful things and possibilitys. With each creature having the power to change and love and so much more. And it is amazing that your going to be a Human Being. And i will be there, loving you along with greg. Just know that we will always love and protect you. The Gems, Me, Greg. We will all love you so much."

The tape ends.

Pearl leaves her room again.

Pearl: "Steven? What are you watching its past your bedtime!"

Steven: Still smiling from the video, hears Pearl and quickly takes the tape out. "Nothing!"


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