Chapter 5

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"Just talk to him, Addy. It's going to be hard when you're in the same classes." "Sirius has Astronomy, he's been obsessed since he was a kid." Lily gave her a look. "You don't get it, Lils. He left without a word, I didn't even know if he was alive until I saw him on the Hogwarts Express." "But-" "Look Lily, he either asks what's wrong or doesn't, alright?" Adelecia stabbed her egg with her fork ferociously. Lily sighed. "You're so stubborn." "No duh Sherlock."

"Geez, what did that egg ever do to you?" Marlene and Alice sat down next to them. "Nothing." Adelecia grumbled. "Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." "You could say that."

Alice sighed and side eyed Lily. "What's up? You've been acting weird since yesterday." Adelecia groaned. "Is it really that obvious?" "Have you seen yourself?" Marlene chuckled. "Nhhhh." "Just tell them Addy." "Whatever. Sirius left. Not like I care." Alice furrowed her brows in concern. "You sure?" "Mhm." Adelecia proceeded to bang her head on the table repeatedly.

"Geez Black, what happened to you?" James sat down across her. He winked at Lily. "Hello Evans." "Potter." Lily growled. "Would you give me the honor-" "No." "But Fl-" Adelecia grumbled. "I swear to Merlin if you don't shut it within the next 15 seconds I'm kicking you off the Quidditch team, Potter." "You can't do that. You aren't Quidditch captain."

James's smile faded when Adelecia smirked. "Am I?" She reached into her bag and tossed him something flat and shiny. James looked down at it, cursed loudly, and handed it back. "Tryouts are tomorrow. Do me a favor and don't tell Sirius." Adelecia got up and left the Great Hall. James looked on, confused. "But why not...?" "Long story Potter."

Lily groaned and dashed off behind Adelecia. Alice grabbed Marlene. "But I didn't get to finish eating-" Alice handed over toast. "Thank you m'lady." Both girls left as Sirius and Remus came in. "What was that about?" Remus sunk into a seat, looking very tired.

"Your sister, Padfoot." Sirius sighed. "What about her? She's mad at me at the moment, if you haven't noticed, Prongs." "It's not that, it's-" Sirius grabbed a muffin. "What did I do?" "She's-" Remus cut him off. "Just talk to her." "But-" "I guess I'll try. See you guys later." Sirius got up and slouched off. "Now what were you trying to say Prongs?" Remus reached across him and grabbed a chocolate croissant.

James huffed angrily and pushed up his glasses. "No one listens to me anymore." "Drama queen." "Show off." "Prick." "You know, this is the kind of behavior I'd expect from Padfoot. What happened to you, Moony?" Remus gave him a pointed look. "What?" "It's that time of the month." James looked on, confused. "You're on your period?" Remus slapped James's head with his book. "Why am I friends with you, you idiot?"

"Aw, cmon Moony, you know you love me." "I'm seriously debating that right now. Where's Wormtail?" "No idea." "You lost him again, didn't you." "Er-maybe?" Remus smacked James on the head again. "You're an arse, you know that?" "It's my middle name, Moony." "But I thought it was-" "Moony. No." James said warningly. "Fleamont." Remus smirked as James groaned loudly.




lol idk what I'm doing

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