Chapter 2

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"That was horrible." Adelecia sighed. "You got that right. I'm going to go sit with Avery and Mulciber. Want to come?" 

Adelecia frowned at her brother. "Not even a little. I wish you wouldn't hang out with them." 

Regulus smiled. "And I wish that you wouldn't spend your time with Evans and her friends." Adelecia shrugged. "They're nice. Avery and Mulciber though... just be careful Reggie." "Of course." They parted ways.

"Adelecia, come here!" Adelecia grinned at a group of Gryffindor girls who were beckoning her to join their compartment. She walked over to them. Adelecia let out a loud 'umph' as Alice Longbottom crashed into her. "Hey Alice." 

Alice smiled at Adelecia after releasing her. Marlene Mckinnon grinned and slapped Adelecia's arm lightly. "You arse! You didn't answer a single one of my letters!" Adelecia winced slightly. "Er- yeah, sorry about that, Abira wasn't doing too good this summer." 

The owl hooted from her cage. 

Marlene sighed dramatically. "Well I'll let it go just this once, Addy, but never again." 

"Since when do you call me Addy?" "Since now." 

Adelecia laughed and took a seat next to her blonde haired friend. "Where's Lily?" "She's in the prefect carriage, she said she'll be here later." Alice answered her. "Is Remus still prefect as well?"

As if on cue, the carriage door swung open to reveal the Marauders, as everyone now called them. "Mind if we sit here? We're lonely because Moony left us for the prefects." 

James Potter shoved his glasses further up his face. Adelecia opened her mouth to refuse, but Marlene immediately agreed. Adelecia rolled her eyes. 

Everyone knew that Marlene had a crush on Sirius and vice versa, but Sirius was too daft to notice. 

Speaking of her incredibly annoying, less good looking twin, (Marlene would definitely declare the opposite,) he plopped down in a seat next to her, while James and Peter settled down next to Alice. 

"Where's Evans?" "She's the other prefect for Gryffindor. I suppose she'll be here later." James looked absolutely ecstatic.

Adelecia groaned and got up. "I'm going to go and find the trolley lady. Does anyone want anything?" 

"Cauldron cakes." Sirius piped up, but Adelecia made no sign that she had heard her brother. 

"Nothing? Alright." 

She left the carriage, slamming the door behind her, leaving the rest of the group to wonder what had just happened.

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