Chapter 22

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After grabbing a cup of firewhiskey, Adelecia slid into a table at the back of the room, glowering at everyone. She wasn't really that much of a drinker, but when it came to pureblood balls, there was nothing else to do. 

Also, she was of age. Obviously, Adelecia was going to use it to her advantage. 

She raised her head when a voice disrupted her thoughts. "Well, nice to see you here, Black."  

"Mulciber." Adelecia growled. He slid into the seat in front of her without warning, smirking. "What do you want?" 

"To talk." "Shove off." "Why, we are in a marriage agreement." "Not if I have a say in it." 

"You don't." He grinned wickedly.

 Adelecia merely looked away, knowing he was right. 

"That's what I thought, Black. Now, about school." Mulciber looked at her pointedly. 

"What about it?" "I want you to date me." Adelecia shot up from her seat. "No way in hell." "First, sit down, your mother is watching us." 

Adelecia looked over her shoulder to see her mother literally shooting her a death glare. She sunk back into her seat defeatedly. 

"Good. Second, the reason being is because I'm in my last year of Hogwarts. Also it would look good for both our families if you were seen with me and not those blood-traitor brats." Mulciber gave her a twisted smile. 

Adelecia chuckled darkly and leaned back into her chair. 

"I would say that's smart of you, bringing this up in front of my mother, but it isn't."  "What do you mean?"

"I mean that I don't really care if I get in trouble with my mother. And I most definitely would not like to be seen with you. Consider whatever the marriage agreement is, over, by my terms." 

Mulciber merely smirked and got up. "If you wish. I'll see you around."  


pls- my friend lowkey thought this was a Mulciber enemies to lovers fic when I showed her this- sorry if it looks that way LOL

Also, this is one of the shortest things I have ever written in my LIFE omg xD

Ramadan Mubarak/Kareem to all my Muslims :))

I'm fasting today and this was something to pass my time with haha

Welp I'll see yall in the next chapter!

Love you mah dudes,

~ Foody

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