Chapter 29

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Adelecia came down to the common room to see Sirius fake-sobbing dramatically on Lily's shoulder.

She sighed. "Is this about your reading glasses, Sirius?"


"You don't even need to wear them all the time-"


"The hell is going on?" Remus came into the common room, rubbing his eyes.

Adelecia snickered. "Sirius had to get reading glasses because he messed up his eyesight trying to do random stuff in the dark."

"Is that why you're acting like someone killed you?"

Sirius let out a wail. "I can't call Prongs four eyes anymore!"

"Hey! My eyes are very dignified."

Lily grinned and patted Sirius' back. "It's okay, Sirius, we get it."

"No one does." He sniffled. James threw his hands up. "I literally have glasses, Sirius!" "Not reading glasses! My father had those, and he's about 50."

Adelecia grinned. "47."

"Same thing."

"Alright, that's it, we're going to be late for class, come on!"


Adelecia and Sirius kept bickering in the hallway on the way to the Great Hall for lunch.

She sighed. "The bad eyesight gene runs in the family, Sirius-" "-Regulus doesn't count!" "Yes he does, he's your brother."

"His reading habits didn't rub off on me!"

"If they had, you wouldn't have been desperately struggling in Ancient Runes, dear brother." "I'm not desperately struggling in Ancient Runes, 'Lecia!" "Yes you are!"


"You were talking about me?" Regulus raised an eyebrow as he effortlessly fell into step with his siblings.

"We were talking about your terrible eyesight."

"But I have contacts, so if any of you spread that around school I will kill you." "Relax, little brother. Sirius has joined the lovely family genetic pool as well."

"You're getting glasses?" "READING glasses!" Sirius retorted back.

Regulus grinned. Sirius stared at his brother and sighed.

"Don't you dare."

"Four. Eyes."

"REG!" "What, you spent years calling me four eyes, now I can return the favor!"

Adelecia shook her head as her brothers began arguing. "Shut up, both of you."

"It's not my fault he's a dic-" "Language, darling younger brother." "You're both the same! You two use curse words so much more than I do, and yet-"

"-Rosier's coming, Reg."

Regulus straightened up immediately. "Thanks." "Yep. Now try to be mean to me, I know you love me." Regulus rolled his eyes and gave his sister a look. "Sure." 

Regulus left his sister and brother (who looked mildly offended) and strolled over to Evan Rosier.

"The hell was that about?"

"Usual shit."

"Which is?"

"None of your business."

Evan stepped in front of him. "I think it is my business, Regulus. Considering I'm monitoring you and all."

Regulus rolled his eyes internally and took a step forward. "Yeah, Rosier? Go  and tell that to the Dumbledore when I report you for what you did to that Ravenclaw girl the other day. You'll be out of Hogwarts faster than you think, now, won't you?" Rosier stared at him and scoffed. "Watch it, Black. Your little tricks won't work for long. I will find out what's going on with you."

With that, Rosier stormed off. Regulus caught back up with his siblings.

"Turning into quite the Slytherin, aren't you, baby brother?" Regulus rubbed his forehead. "Shut up, 'Les."

Adelecia looked disgusted. "I say report him anyway."

Regulus gave a shrug and continued walking forward. "I already did."

Hey loves
Been a little too obsessed w Regulus lately haha
sorry for the like 500 word chapter ik it sucks but whatever
yeah so anyway if you haven't noticed i posted a new story called zemblanity to spur my regulus obsession- it's basically regulus' story through this fanfiction bc he deserves it
anyway i haven't been on here much bc i go to a very rigorous high school and it's killing me w work now haha
but yeah i'm not gonna make false promises and say i'll have a new chapter ready in a week or even two but maybe it'll be out in a month or so
Love you my dudes,
~ Lem

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