Chapter 28

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Alice looked around at the completely transformed Gryffindor common room. "Are we missing anything? I feel like we're missing something." 

Sirius stared at the room, looked at Remus, and stared back at Alice. "We're in our 6th year, we're adults, someone get the GODDAMN BOOZE!" 

Peter wrinkled his nose. "Sirius, it's been only 2 months since you came of age, why are you already an alcoholic?" 

Sirius dramatically swaggered over to his friend and lay an arm around his shoulders.

"Because, dear Wormtail... my parents are pureblood." 

Peter blinked. "You blame everything on your parents being pureblood."

Sirius grinned. "They're hypocrites anyway, they quite well deserve it." 

Remus defeatedly put away his book for the twentieth time that day. "It's a common room party, dipshit. There will absolutely be third and fourth years here. Not to mention, me, Peter, James, Marlene, and Alice all aren't of age, and you very well know Prongs will whine your ears off if you drink without him." 

"Fine, we will both be going to get butterbeer, you judgmental arse." "We will?" "Yes." Sirius dramatically flounced off with Peter, looking admittedly pained at his loss of alcohol. 

Adeleica grinned and leaned on the couch to look down at Remus. "You're all children." "You are a couple months older than the rest of us." "Yeah, Rem, but I can drink firewhiskey and not get in trouble. Can you?"   

He grumbled and sank further into the sofa. 


Adelecia smirked. "Exactly." 

"Would you two stop flirting for two seconds and help me with these fireworks?" 

Remus coughed loudly. Adelecia went bright red. "We're not flirti-" Marlene rolled her eyes. "Oh shut up,  you've-" Adelecia darted over and grabbed some of the fireworks from Marlene. 

"Where do you want them?" 

Marlene heaved a sigh. "On the grounds, we need to set them up. Come on, you lovable question dodger." 

Adelecia stared at her. "One more word, Marlene, and you will loose your cookie supplier for two weeks." 

"Ugh, fine. Let's go, James can't distract Lily forever." 


Meanwhile, James wished that he had the ability to freeze time, and be here forever. 

Lily, also, for once, didn't seem to mind his presence. They were both sitting in the grass, working on Potions homework.

(James let the mistake of letting Lily choose what they did.)

After a while, Lily spoke. "Potter." 


"Why are you never like this every day?"

"Like what?" 


He raised his eyebrows. "I'm nice all the time." 

"Not like that. I mean- peaceful. Quiet." 

James simply shrugged. "It makes life boring. Sure, it would be fine for a period of time, but living like that every day? At some point I wouldn't be able to stand it." 

"So you resort to pranking?" 

"It's more about the people I get to do it with. Doing absolutely anything with my friends makes everything fun, no matter what we do." 

Lily smiled. "I get that." 

"You do?" 

"Yeah. I do, Potter. I really do." 

James grinned at her, and then pushed his glasses up to look down at his potions book. 

"I don't get this, let's do something fun, it's your birthday, after all." 

"This is fun." 

"It's not, and you know it, Evans."

Lily sighed and closed her book. "What do you have in mind, Potter?" 


"This is your idea of fun?"

James came out to the Quidditch field with brooms in his hands. 

"What's not to like? It's brooms!" 

"Heights. I hate heights."  

James blinked. "Can you fly?" "No. Remember Hooch's class back in first year?" 

"The one where your broom somehow grew a mind of its own and charged after McGonagall?"

Lily groaned and put her head in her hands. "I lost Gryffindor so many points that day." 

James shook his head. "I vividly remember that you lost those points specifically after you went at Sirius for charming your broom, didn't you?" 

A silence.

They both burst out in laughter. "Sirius was terrified of you for a week after that." "He still reminds me about it!" 

Lily grinned and picked up the broom. "Fine, Potter. I'll fly. Or attempt to." James beamed back and looked down at his watch.

"Actually- we need to go. The others should be done by now." 

James thought he imagined the slight drop in her features. 

He didn't.

Lily shrugged to hide her disappointment. "Alright." 

"Here, I'll go put them away." 

James returned after a bit. 

Lily sent him a small smile. "Okay, let's go, Potter." 

James offered her his hand again. 

Lily tentatively took it. 

"We're strictly friends, Potter. Deal?" He beamed. "Deal." 

"Oh get that stupid grin off your face, James, I said friends."

"I know, I know."  

He had to fight hard to not grin even wider. 

That was the first time she'd called him James. 


Hey loves!

So- I'm done with Lily's birthday-

Let's just say that Sirius most definitely spiked the butterbeer

I decided to stop here because I think it's a good ending for this 3 chapter long day in the story- so next chapter might be a bit of a time jump

And I might render inactive yet again for all of July- depends, I'm going to visit family in India and idk if I'll have time to post


I will attempt to be more consistent

I promise

Happy VERY late pride month, happy VERY VERY late Eid, happy VERY late AAPI month, and then if I don't show my face in July, Happy early Eid! 

Stop I missed so much- 😭


Love ya my dudes, 
~ Lem 

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