Chapter 1

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    Shouts, screams, and loud banging echoed from the first floor of Number 12, Grimmauld Place. After what seemed like hours, the door slammed and the whole house went eerily quiet.

The day Sirius was beaten and tortured to his breaking point and left was one of the worst days of Adelecia Black's life. When your twin just up and leaves you alone with abusive parents and a brother to take care of, you come to resent him. Adelecia could confirm that.

"Adelecia, get down here, it's time to go!" A loud voice barked from downstairs. Adelicia sighed, grabbed her trunk and owl, and trudged down the stairs to find her parents and Regulus waiting for her. "What took so long?" Orion asked gruffly. 

"I had to pack a book last minute." Adelecia lied smoothly, quickly stowing away her Quidditch captain badge. "Alright, let's go then." Walburga grabbed her daughter's shoulder roughly, making her wince slightly. They left the house and apparated onto Platform 9 and three quarters, directly into the bustling crowds.

As soon as they arrived, Walburga dropped her hand from Adelecia's shoulder. Regulus moved to stand next to his sister, grabbing her hand as he did so. Adelecia ignored whatever her parents were saying, which included some nasty stuff about Sirius and 'staying true to Black family principles,' which if you asked Adelecia, was a load of dung.

Adelecia sighed happily when the Hogwarts train whistle sounded throughout the platform. Adelecia shoved Regulus into the train and jumped on behind him. Unlike the other parents, who were waving and smiling at their children, Walburga and Orion only gave each kid a drilling, hard gaze before Apparating out of the station, certain their children, unlike Sirius, would uphold the Black Family honor. They didn't know just how wrong they were.


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~ Foody

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