Chapter 10

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The next morning, Sirius managed to corner Adelecia on her way to breakfast. "What?" Adelecia did her best to hide her smirk. "Number 1, I see you smirking, and number 2, why didn't you tell me you were captain?" "You never asked, dear brother." Sirius huffed and crossed his arms. "We all know I'm the better Quidditch player." "I beg to differ. Now, c'mon let's go eat, Lily and Alice decided to sleep in." Adelecia dragged her brother into the Great Hall, where it was so early that no one was awake except the handful of students trying out for the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

The twins sat down next to the Marauders. "Where's Marlene?" Sirius asked as he grabbed a roll. "I have no idea. She said she was sleeping for 5 more minutes. It's been 10." As if on cue, Marlene came into the Great hall, yawning loudly. "Addy, I hate you." "I hate you too." "Please never schedule Quidditch tryouts in the morning ever again." Adelecia chuckled. "I'll try."

"What positions are empty again?" James asked from across the table. "Seeker, Keeper, and one Beater." Sirius rolled his eyes. "Frank better be trying out. He's the only one I can tolerate." "Drama queen." "Chicken." "Prick." James and Remus caught each other's eyes and chuckled as they had almost the same conversation yesterday.

"Potter, heads up!" All of a sudden, Marlene chucked an orange at his head. James deftly caught it. "Look who's back." "I was never gone. Still got your skills Black?" Adelecia's eyes glinted playfully. "Always."

James, Adelecia, and Marlene had all tried out for the Gryffindor Quidditch team in their second year, and all got in for the position of chaser. They worked wonderfully together and they soon gained the reputation of some of the best Quidditch chasers Gryffindor has ever had, much to the delight of Professor Mcgonnagall.

Adelecia blinked out of her trance, rose from her seat and addressed the rest of Gryffindor house. "Alright, Gryffindor Quidditch team tryouts are going to start in a few minutes, so meet up at the pitch as soon as you finish eating!" Murmurs and nods broke out from the rest of the table as Adelecia and Marlene walked to the pitch together, tossing a Quaffle between them.


I really hated that ending lmao

I didn't know what else to write, I'm suffering from every author's pain: Writers block

Dang it *sigh*

Welp hopefully I can update more 

I have ideas

~ Foody

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