Chapter 9

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         Adelecia grinned as she heard Sirius yelling at the top of his lungs. "So I'm assuming you two made up?" The bed sunk lower as Lily sat on it. "You could say that, or you could say that he'll be mad at me in the morning for not telling him that I'm captain."

"That, he will." Alice joined them both, the bed creaking even lower. "If we add another person, this bed is going to-" "HELLO MY HOMIES!" Marlene leaped onto the bed as well, resulting in a loud crash which was the bed collapsing on them. Feathers were floating everywhere.

Marlene climbed out of the mess and helped up Alice. Lily did the same for Adelecia. They all surveyed the mess. "Well I guess the bed couldn't handle my amazingness."

"Nah, the bed just couldn't handle you and the nonexistent excessive body fat that came with you." Adelecia laughed. Marlene huffed and patted her imaginary big belly. "Food is always the answer, my child." The four girls erupted into laughter. Then, Marlene walked over to her bed and pulled a pillow. She swung and hit Adelecia in the face. Everyone froze as the pillow seemed to slowly fall down her face.

Adelecia grinned, grabbed the pillow, and chucked it at Marlene, who caught it out of thin air. "Still got the Chaser skills then, Mckinnon?" "I'd never forget them, Black."

Lily and Alice simultaneously rolled their eyes and grabbed a pillow from each girls' bed. "PILLOW FIGHT!" 


Guys, I am so shook rn

I just learned that Lily was pregnant with another child when ole Voldy decided to swoop in and kill her-

"J.K. Rowling has revealed that Lily was pregnant with her second child when Voldemort killed her. Even worse, she had finally talked James into making peace with Snape, and even wanted to make him the child's godfather."


Cruel world


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