Chapter 25

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After they arrived at school and had went into their dorm, Sirius and the rest of the marauders had finally settled back into their regular loud comradery. 

"How much longer till the map is finished?" Sirius slung his feet up on Remus's copy of Jane Eyre

"Just need to add the passageway to Honeyduke's and then we're done." Remus sighed, pushed Sirius's legs off his book, and dusted the page off. "Idiot." He muttered under his breath. 

"Finally. We've been working on that bloody thing for so long now that we don't even need it." 

Peter bit into a chocolate frog. "It'll be worth it, the newest prank idea we've been working on most definitely needs a way into the Slytherin common room and I forgot how to get in there." 

"True. These last two years' pranks need to be the best we've ever done." 

The fact that they only had a year and a half until they graduated Hogwarts was something that was scary to comprehend for any of them, even Remus.

James frowned. "As long as pranking doesn't come in the way of NEWTS." 

The Marauders stared at him with pure shock written over their faces. 

"What the hell? Has something possessed you, Potter?" James smirked. "Why, surprised, Padfoot?" "Very. Now explain." 

"There's nothing to explain- I just want to do well in school, is that a crime?" "For you? Yes." 

Remus looked up from his book. "It's because Lily is still insanely mad at him after what happened with him and Snivellus last year and he's trying to win her back, and she just so happens to inhabit the library now." 

They burst into laughter as James went bright red. 

 "So that's why you've been trailing her like a sad kitten all year!" "He always does that." "Shut up, will you?" 

Sirius reached over and ruffled James's hair. "Never, Prongsipoo. Just face it, she won't fall for you." 

James crossed his arms. "Don't worry, she will. It's only a matter of time, no one can reject my charms." 

Peter coughed awkwardly. "Lily di-" "Merlin Pete, zip it." Peter shrank back and went silent. 

Remus closed his book, knowing that he wasn't going to be able to read with them in the room. "Look James, if you really want Lily to like you back, then you have to drop the 'I'm better than everyone and everything' incentive. Be mature for once, don't trail after her, and just be James, with her, not Prongs." 

James looked deep in thought, and then blinked. "You're right." "Good, he finally knocked sense into you." Peter sighed. 

Sirius stared at Remus. "Moony... why aren't you already dating someone yet?" "Because your sister thinks I'm a very good friend." He responded dryly. 

"Okay no, I'm not listening!" Sirius clamped his hands over his ears. 

"How dare you Moony, you've injured poor, poor Sirius's ears." James attempted to maintain a serious expression but just barely stifled a smile.

"Oh, the tragedy!" Peter joined in, all of them grinning stupidly. 

Remus rubbed his forehead. "Why the hell you're all my best mates is something I think we'd all like to know." 

Sirius let out a laugh. "You love us." "Yes, I do." 

"Awwww, Moony loves us!" 

Remus rolled his eyes and opened his book again, barely disguising his wide grin. 


Yall I am so sorry- ily don't worry, it's just that summer's been shit lately and everything's been going downhill-

 My school starts on Tuesday and I will literally force my friends to make me write because I've been depriving you guys too long istg

But anyway- I have to go in person now and I'm honestly terrified because masks aren't required anymore and COVID-19's been rising in cases here so :P

I'm woodwind captain this year in my band so I'm excited for that I think-

How was yall's dayyy

I hope it was great, and if it wasn't, then I hope it gets better!

Anyway- I'm curious, when does your school start and where do you live? ik school start times vary between areas- I've always started at the beginning of August but I think a lot of people start in September too

I crocheted a bee the other day and it's the cutest thing ever- like wjfberjbgerjgjebrghebg

his name is Fredrick :)

hEhA I opened an Etsy- if yall wanna buy a Fredrick then uh- here: 

I think yall have figured out by now that I have an obsession with becoming overly attached to inanimate objects and naming them- 

okay but why did that sound so wrong- UM ANYWAY

Bye my dudes <3


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