Chapter 23

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Christmas morning bought no difference to the Black household.

The only color in the whole manor, happened to be the fire used to burn the prepackaged confetti that Sirius had sent to Adelecia, the idiot knowing that it would absolutely annoy their parents enough to have the time to get his real present to her.

It was stupid but genius at the same time, which summed up Sirius in a nutshell.  

Adelecia grinned as she opened a box of assorted sweets. "Sirius, you absolute freaking lifesaver." 

Regulus came skidding into the room with his socks on, nearly falling flat on his face. 

"'Les, they went to go see Aunt Druella and Uncle Cygnus, get out of bed, we're making cookies before they get back." "Hell yeah, let's go." 

A/N: Please I need a Regulus in my life (sorry-)

According to Regulus, their parents were so pissed about the whole confetti ordeal, that they quite literally left the house to go visit their cousins, which left Adelecia, Regulus, and Kreacher home alone.

"Kreacher, you're on frosting duty, Regulus, you're on batter." Kreacher saluted (clad in his little baking apron) and started taking out materials for cookie frosting. 

Regulus raised an eyebrow. "What about you?" Adelecia grinned and leaned against the counter. "I'm here to make sure you don't burn the house down." 

He grumbled. "I know perfectly well how to handle an oven." "Please, Reggie. You can't handle a human. I can't trust you with an oven." 

"It was ONE girl! And she's too infuriating to even be worth it." "Say what you want, Reg. You two are so toxic but it's kind of cute-" Regulus coughed loudly. "Shut it."

Adelecia threw flour at him. "No." "Oh, it's on." 

About an hour later, the cookies were burnt, (and frosted, obviously) and Kreacher, Regulus, and Adelecia were covered with the remnants of their food fight. 

Regulus grabbed a cookie, took a bite, and grimaced. "These er- taste great." 

"Kreacher choked on one." Adelecia responded dryly. 

"Well-yeah. But it was fun, right Kreacher?" "Everything except for the choking, Master Regulus." 

"You don't have to call me-" "Shoot."

The door was rattling. 

"They're back." "No duh." Adelecia grabbed her wand. "Scourgify!" Within a flash, everything was clean and back into their normal order, including Adelecia, Regulus, and Kreacher.

Except for the pajamas. But no one really cared about that. 

She stowed her wand back in her pocket as their parents barged through the door. 

"Adelecia, Regulus. What are you doing?" "We were-" "-Getting a snack, Mother." Regulus interrupted quickly. 

"Yep." "Is this true, Kreacher?" Regulus sent the elf a sharp look behind their backs. "Yes, Mistress."  

Walburga raised an eyebrow, but no longer looked angry. Both the siblings slowly began to walk up the stairs. 

Orion held up a hand. "Wait." They froze. "Adelecia, come back down. Regulus, go upstairs." 

"Alright." Adelecia slunk down the stairs. "Yes?" "We never got to talk about the Quidditch situation." 

Adelecia's eyes went wide. "What about it?" "Hand in your badge." "Does it really matter, Mother?" 

Orion gave his daughter a glare. "I guess it does. Fine." "Good. You can go now." 

Adelecia nodded and silently left.

Little did her parents know that she had no intention of letting go of her Quidditch badge. All she needed to do was find out who was sending her parents letters.

And Adelecia knew exactly where to start. 


Aww Reggie's in loooveeeee

heh- anyway um I binged Shadow and Bone the other day and wow it's actually really good, like-

Ben Barnes as the Darkling tho-

Anyway, sorry it took so long for me to update lol

As usual, leave a comment if you feel like it! I honestly love to read them (and answer them if I have the time)

One more thing, I might not be active for a while because my finals and state testings are coming up and I kinda need to focus on school lol

We also reached 15k views and 400 (something) votes?? What in the world- yall tysm <333

Love you my dudes,

~ Foody 

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