Chapter 14

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 Adelecia went white, and looked over the letter again.


Our sources have revealed that you are associating with blood traitors and mudbloods. We are utterly appalled that our only daughter would disobey us like that. Your father and I are going to have a very serious talk when you get home.

You are a disgrace to the Black family name, and a pathetic excuse for a daughter. We are expecting you for Christmas. There will be severe consequences if you do not come, consequences that you do not want to find out if you don't obey me.

~ Walburga Black

Adelecia winced. "Yeah, you're right." "You're shaking Les. Calm down." Regulus said softly. "I'm not scared about what they're going to do to me. I can handle that. But you? I don't know, Reg. What if they get mad at you for not telling them?" "I'll be fine."

"I-" Sirius walked up to the two. ""Hey Les. Reg." "Sirius." Regulus acknowledged. "I'll talk to you later, Les. See you." Regulus strode away briskly. "What's his problem?" "He really can't be seen with you." "Well, neither can you." "Yeah, and I'm now in trouble." Sirius looked down at her hand, which was unknowingly crushing the letter.

"Let me see it." "Siri-" "Adelecia, please." She sighed and handed the crumpled piece of paper to her brother.

Sirius's expression went from confused to downright angry after he read the letter.

"Who do they think they are?!" "Sirius, calm down." "But they might hurt you!" Adelecia chuckled. "The most they've ever hurt me is a slap."

Sirius heard the lie in her tone. "You're lying to me." "No I'm not Siri." "You realize if they are hurting you, you can leave right? No one is forcing you to stay there."

"If only." She muttered under her breath. "What?" "Nothing." Marlene came running up, breathless. "Why didn't you tell me about the nickname, Les? It's so much better. Hi Sirius." Marlene blushed slightly.

Adelecia groaned. "Sirius, I'm going to destroy you for that. Also, resolve the tension here. I couldn't cut it with a knife." Sirius went an interesting shade of red from next to Adelecia, who smirked.

"Bye!" Adelecia skipped off towards the lake. "LILY FLOWER!" Adelecia yelled and ran over to Lily, who looked traumatized. "I thought you were Potter." "I don't know, am I? OI JAMES!"

"WHAT?" James shouted from right behind Lily. Remus sighed and rubbed his forehead. "Not this again." "ARE YOU ME?" "I DON'T KNOW, AM I?" Both started chuckling as Lily shook her head in exasperation. "You two are idiots." James and Adelecia caught each other's look and snorted.

"You know you love us."




It's happened guys

I've posted twice in one day



Ight it's like 4 am, ima go sleep now

~ Foody

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